Compact Formulations for Split Delivery Routing Problems

Split delivery routing problems are concerned with serving the demand of a set of customers with a fleet of capacitated vehicles at minimum cost, where a customer can be served by more than one vehicle if beneficial. They generalize traditional variants of routing problems and have applications in commercial as well as humanitarian logistics. Previously, … Read more

Exact Methods for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone

Efficiently handling last-mile deliveries becomes more and more important nowadays. Using drones to support classical vehicles allows improving delivery schedules as long as efficient solution methods to plan last-mile deliveries with drones are available. We study exact solution approaches for some variants of the traveling salesman problem with drone (TSP-D) in which a truck and … Read more

The Fuel Replenishment Problem:A Split-Delivery Multi-Compartment Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Trips

In this paper, we formally define and model the Fuel Replenishment Problem (FRP). The FRP is a multi-compartment, multi-trip, split-delivery VRP in which tanker trucks transport different types of petrol, separated over multiple vehicle compartments, from an oil depot to petrol stations. Large customer demands often necessitate multiple deliveries. Throughout a single working day, a … Read more

An Iterative Graph Expansion Approach for the Scheduling and Routing of Airplanes

A tourism company that offers fly-in safaris is faced with the challenge to route and schedule its fleet of airplanes in an optimal way. Over the course of a given time horizon several groups of tourists have to be picked up at airports and flown to their destinations within a certain time-window. Furthermore the number … Read more

Vehicle Routing Problem with Steep Roads

Most routing decisions assume that the world is flat meaning that routing costs are modelled as a weighted sum of total distance and time spend by delivery vehicles. However, this assumption does not apply for urban logistics operations in cities with significant altitude differences. We fill a space in the VRP literature and model routing … Read more

A branch and price algorithm for the resource constrained home health care vehicle routing problem

We consider the vehicle routing problem with resource constraints motivated by a home health care application. We propose a branch and price algorithm to solve the problem. In our problem, we consider different types of patients that require a nurse or a health aid or both. The patients can be serviced by the appropriate vehicles … Read more

Robust Optimization of a Broad Class of Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problems under Demand Uncertainty

This paper studies robust variants of an extended model of the classical Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem (HVRP), where a mixed fleet of vehicles with different capacities, availabilities, fixed costs and routing costs is used to serve customers with uncertain demand. This model includes, as special cases, all variants of the HVRP studied in the literature … Read more

The Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem

We study a variant of the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP), which asks for the cost-optimal delivery of a single product to geographically dispersed customers through a fleet of capacity-constrained vehicles. Contrary to the classical CVRP, which assumes that the customer demands are deterministic, we model the demands as a random vector whose distribution is … Read more

A new drayage problem with different customer services and container requirements

This paper investigates a drayage problem generalizing a previously proposed, which is motivated by a case study of a real maritime carrier. To serve export and import customer requests in the hinterland of a port, a fleet of trucks able to carry one or two containers of the same size is adopted. The aim of … Read more

An Approximation Algorithm for Vehicle Routing with Compatibility Constraints

We study a multiple-vehicle routing problem with a minimum makespan objective and compatibility constraints. We provide an approximation algorithm and a nearly-matching hardness of approximation result. We also provide computational results on benchmark instances with diverse sizes showing that the proposed algorithm (i) has a good empirical approximation factor, (ii) runs in a short amount … Read more