Semismooth Support Vector Machines

The linear support vector machine can be posed as a quadratic program in a variety of ways. In this paper, we look at a formulation using the two-norm for the misclassification error that leads to a positive definite quadratic program with a single equality constraint when the Wolfe dual is taken. The quadratic term is … Read more

Optimization on Computational Grids

We define the concept of a computational grid, and describe recent work in solving large and complex optimization problems on this type of platform; in particular, integer programming, the quadratic assignment problem, and stochastic programming problems. This article focuses on work conducted in the metaneos project. CitationPreprint, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory. … Read more

Cooperative games on antimatroids

The aim of this paper is to introduce cooperative games with a feasible coalition system which is an antimatroid. These combinatorial structures generalize the permission structures, which have nice economical applications. With this goal, we first characterize the approaches from a permission structure with special classes of antimatroids. Next, we use the concept of interior … Read more

iNEOS : An Interactive Environment for Nonlinear Optimization

In this paper we describe iNEOS, an Internet-based environment which facilitates the solution of complex nonlinear optimization problems. It enables a user to easily invoke a remote optimization code without having to supply the model to be optimized. An interactive communication between client and server is established and maintainted using CORBA. We test the system … Read more

GPCG: A case study in the performance and scalability of optimization algorithms

GPCG is an algorithm within the Toolkit for Advanced Optimization (TAO) for solving bound constrained, convex quadratic problems. Originally developed by More’ and Toraldo, this algorithm was designed for large-scale problems but had been implemented only for a single processor. The TAO implementation is available for a wide range of high-performance architecture, and has been … Read more

Benchmarking Optimization Software with COPS

We describe version 2.0 of the COPS set of nonlinearly constrained optimization problems. We have added new problems, as well as streamlined and improved most of the problems. We also provide a comparison of the LANCELOT, LOQO, MINOS, and SNOPT solvers on these problems. CitationTechnical Report ANL/MCS-246 Mathematics and Computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory … Read more

Hyper-sparsity in the revised simplex method and how to exploit it

The revised simplex method is often the method of choice when solving large scale sparse linear programming problems, particularly when a family of closely-related problems is to be solved. Each iteration of the revised simplex method requires the solution of two linear systems and a matrix vector product. For a significant number of practical problems … Read more

Augmented self concordant barriers and nonlinear optimization problems with finite complexity

In this paper we study special barrier functions for the convex cones, which are the sum of a self-concordant barrier for the cone and a positive-semidefinite quadratic form. We show that the central path of these augmented barrier functions can be traced with linear speed. We also study the complexity of finding the analytic center … Read more