Faster Lagrangian-Based Methods in Convex Optimization

In this paper, we aim at unifying, simplifying, and improving the convergence rate analysis of Lagrangian-based methods for convex optimization problems. We first introduce the notion of nice primal algorithmic map, which plays a central role in the unification and in the simplification of the analysis of all Lagrangian-based methods. Equipped with a nice primal … Read more

An Application of a Traveling Salesman Problem with Independent Clusters for Cash-Collection Routing

Published in Annals of Operations Research. Motivated by a routing problem faced by banks to enhance their encashment services in the  city of Perm, Russia, we solve versions of the traveling salesman problem with clustering. To minimize the risk of theft, suppliers seek to operate multiple vehicles and determine an efficient routing; and, a single vehicle serves … Read more

Iteration complexity analysis of a partial LQP-based alternating direction method of multipliers

In this paper, we consider a prototypical convex optimization problem with multi-block variables and separable structures. By adding the Logarithmic Quadratic Proximal (LQP) regularizer with suitable proximal parameter to each of the first grouped subproblems, we develop a partial LQP-based Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM-LQP). The dual variable is updated twice with relatively larger … Read more

Equipping Barzilai-Borwein method with two dimensional quadratic termination property

A new gradient stepsize is derived at the motivation of equipping the Barzilai-Borwein (BB) method with two dimensional quadratic termination property. A remarkable feature of the new stepsize is that its computation only depends on the BB stepsizes in previous iterations without the use of exact line searches and Hessian, and hence it can easily … Read more

An Inertial Block Majorization Minimization Framework for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization

In this paper, we introduce TITAN, a novel inerTial block majorIzation minimization framework for non-smooth non-convex opTimizAtioN problems. TITAN is a block coordinate method (BCM) that embeds inertial force to each majorization-minimization step of the block updates. The inertial force is obtained via an extrapolation operator that subsumes heavy-ball and Nesterov-type accelerations for block proximal … Read more

On Linear Bilevel Optimization Problems with Complementarity-Constrained Lower Levels

We consider a novel class of linear bilevel optimization models with a lower level that is a linear program with complementarity constraints (LPCC). We present different single-level reformulations depending on whether the linear complementarity problem (LCP) as part of the lower-level constraint set depends on the upper-level decisions or not as well as on whether … Read more

A Novel Solution Methodology for Wasserstein-based Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Problems

Distributionally robust optimization (DRO) is a mathematical framework to incorporate ambiguity over the actual data-generating probability distribution. Data-driven DRO problems based on the Wasserstein distance are of particular interest for their sound mathematical properties. For right-hand-sided uncertainty, however, existing methods rely on dual vertex enumeration rendering the problem intractable in practical applications. In this context, … Read more

New exact approaches for the combined cell layout problem and extensions of the multi-bay facility layout problem

In this paper we consider the Combined Cell Layout Problem (CCLP), the Multi-Bay Facility Layout Problem (MBFLP) and several generalizations of the MBFLP, which have wide applications, e.g., in factory planning, heavy manufacturing, semiconductor fabrication and arranging rooms in hospitals. Given a set of cells of type single-row or directed-circular and a set of one-dimensional … Read more

Planning the City Operations of a Parcel Express Company

We introduce an interesting and challenging routing and scheduling problem arising in the city operations of SF Express, a large package express carrier in China. Vehicles execute multiple trips during a planning horizon spanning multiple shifts, where a trip can involve deliveries only, pickups only, or deliveries followed by pickups. Complicating factors include split deliveries … Read more

Why there is no need to use a big-M in linear bilevel optimization: A computational study of two ready-to-use approaches

Linear bilevel optimization problems have gained increasing attention both in theory as well as in practical applications of Operations Research (OR) during the last years and decades. The latter is mainly due to the ability of this class of problems to model hierarchical decision processes. However, this ability makes bilevel problems also very hard to … Read more