A Dual Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach to Multi-stage Stochastic Unit Commitment

We study the multi-stage stochastic unit commitment problem in which commitment and generation decisions can be made and adjusted in each time period. We formulate this problem as a Markov decision process, which is “weakly-coupled” in the sense that if the demand constraint is relaxed, the problem decomposes into a separate, low-dimensional, Markov decision process … Read more

Two-stage Linear Decision Rules for Multi-stage Stochastic Programming

Multi-stage stochastic linear programs (MSLPs) are notoriously hard to solve in general. Linear decision rules (LDRs) yield an approximation of an MSLP by restricting the decisions at each stage to be an affine function of the observed uncertain parameters. Finding an optimal LDR is a static optimization problem that provides an upper bound on the … Read more

Strong Convex Nonlinear Relaxations of the Pooling Problem

We investigate new convex relaxations for the pooling problem, a classic nonconvex production planning problem in which input materials are mixed in intermediate pools, with the outputs of these pools further mixed to make output products meeting given attribute percentage requirements. Our relaxations are derived by considering a set which arises from the formulation by … Read more

Minotaur: A Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization Toolkit

We present a flexible framework for general mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP), called Minotaur, that enables both algorithm exploration and structure exploitation without compromising computational efficiency. This paper documents the concepts and classes in our framework and shows that our implementations of standard MINLP techniques are efficient compared with other state-of-the-art solvers. We then describe structure-exploiting … Read more

New solution approaches for the maximum-reliability stochastic network interdiction problem

We investigate methods to solve the maximum-reliability stochastic network interdiction problem (SNIP). In this problem, a defender interdicts arcs on a directed graph to minimize an attacker’s probability of undetected traversal through the network. The attacker’s origin and destination are unknown to the defender and assumed to be random. SNIP can be formulated as a … Read more

Integer Programming Formulations for Minimum Deficiency Interval Coloring

A proper edge-coloring of a given undirected graph with natural numbers identified with colors is an interval (or consecutive) coloring if the colors of edges incident to each vertex form an interval of consecutive integers. Not all graphs admit such an edge-coloring and the problem of deciding whether a graph is interval colorable is NP-complete. … Read more

Exact Algorithms for the Chance-Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem

We study the chance-constrained vehicle routing problem (CCVRP), a version of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) with stochastic demands, where a limit is imposed on the probability that each vehicle’s capacity is exceeded. A distinguishing feature of our proposed methodologies is that they allow correlation between random demands, whereas nearly all existing exact methods for … Read more

Combining Progressive Hedging with a Frank-Wolfe Method to Compute Lagrangian Dual Bounds in Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming

We present a new primal-dual algorithm for computing the value of the Lagrangian dual of a stochastic mixed-integer program (SMIP) formed by relaxing its nonanticipativity constraints. The algorithm relies on the well-known progressive hedging method, but unlike previous progressive hedging approaches for SMIP, our algorithm can be shown to converge to the optimal Lagrangian dual … Read more

Valid Inequalities for Separable Concave Constraints with Indicator Variables

We study valid inequalities for optimization models that contain both binary indicator variables and separable concave constraints. These models reduce to a mixed-integer linear program (MILP) when the concave constraints are ignored, or to a nonconvex global optimization problem when the binary restrictions are ignored. In algorithms designed to solve these problems to global optimality, … Read more

A Counterexample to “Threshold Boolean form for joint probabilistic constraints with random technology matrix”

Recently, in the paper “Threshold Boolean form for joint probabilistic constraints with random technology matrix” (Math. Program. 147:391–427, 2014), Kogan and Lejeune proposed a set of mixed-integer programming formulations for probabilistically constrained stochastic programs having random constraint matrix and finite support distribution. We show that the proposed formulations do not in general correctly model such … Read more