Robust Decision Making using a Risk-Averse Utility Set

Eliciting the utility of a decision maker is difficult. In this paper, we develop a flexible decision making framework, which uses the concept of utility robustness to address the problem of ambiguity and inconsistency in utility assessments. The ideas are developed by giving a probabilistic interpretation to utility and marginal utility functions. Boundary and additional … Read more

Efficient Cardinality/Mean-Variance Portfolios

A number of variants of the classical Markowitz mean-variance optimization model for portfolio selection have been investigated to render it more realistic. Recently, it has been studied the imposition of a cardinality constraint, setting an upper bound on the number of active positions taken in the portfolio, in an attempt to improve its performance and … Read more

Exact Penalization, Level Function Method and Modified Cutting-Plane Method for Stochastic Programs with Second Order Stochastic Dominance Constraints

Level function methods and cutting plane methods have been recently proposed to solve stochastic programs with stochastic second order dominance (SSD) constraints. A level function method requires an exact penalization setup because it can only be applied to the objective function, not the constraints. Slater constraint qualification (SCQ) is often needed for deriving exact penalization. … Read more

A Constructive Proof of the Existence of a Utility in Revealed Preference Theory

Within the context of the standard model of rationality within economic modelling we show the existence of a utility function that rationalises a demand correspondence, hence completely characterizes the associated preference structure, by taking a dense demand sample. This resolves the problem of revealed preferences under some very mild assumptions on the demand correspondence which … Read more

Simultaneous Pursuit of Out-of-Sample Performance and Sparsity in Index Tracking Portfolios

Index tracking is a passive investment strategy in which an investor purchases a set of assets to mimic a market index. The tracking error, the difference between the performances of the index and the portfolio, may be minimized by buying all the assets contained in the index. However, this strategy results in a considerable amount … Read more

Robust and Trend-following Student’s t Kalman Smoothers

Two nonlinear Kalman smoothers are proposed using the Student’s t distribution. The first, which we call the T-Robust smoother, finds the maximum a posteriori (MAP) solution for Gaussian process noise and Student’s t observation noise. It is extremely robust against outliers, outperforming the recently proposed L1-Laplace smoother in extreme situations with data containing 20% or … Read more

Robustifying Convex Risk Measures: A Non-Parametric Approach

We introduce a framework for robustifying portfolio selection problems with respect to ambiguity in the distribution of the random asset losses. In particular, we are interested in convex, version independent risk measures. To robustify these risk measures, we use an ambiguity set which is defined as a neighborhood around a reference probability measure which represents … Read more

Subspace accelerated matrix splitting algorithms for bound-constrained quadratic programming and linear complementarity problems

This paper studies the solution of two problems—bound-constrained quadratic programs and linear complementarity problems—by two-phase methods that consist of an active set prediction phase and a subspace phase. The algorithms enjoy favorable convergence properties under weaker assumptions than those assumed for other methods in the literature. The active set prediction phase employs matrix splitting iterations … Read more

On Kusuoka representation of law invariant risk measures

In this paper we discuss representations of law invariant coherent risk measures in a form of integrals of the Average Value-at-Risk measures. We show that such integral representation exists iff the dual set of the considered risk measure is generated by one of its elements, and this representation is uniquely defined. On the other hand, … Read more

Decision Making under Uncertainty when Preference Information is Incomplete

We consider the problem of optimal decision making under uncertainty but assume that the decision maker’s utility function is not completely known. Instead, we consider all the utilities that meet some criteria, such as preferring certain lotteries over certain other lotteries and being risk averse, s-shaped, or prudent. This extends the notion of stochastic dominance. … Read more