Models and Solution Techniques for Production Planning Problems with Increasing Byproducts

We consider a production planning problem where the production process creates a mixture of desirable products and undesirable byproducts. In this production process, at any point in time the fraction of the mixture that is an undesirable byproduct increases monotonically as a function of the cumulative mixture production up to that time. The mathematical formulation … Read more

Cooperative Wireless Sensor Network Positioning via Implicit Convex Feasibility

We propose a distributed positioning algorithm to estimate the unknown positions of a number of target nodes, given distance measurements between target nodes and between target nodes and a number of reference nodes at known positions. Based on a geometric interpretation, we formulate the positioning problem as an implicit convex feasibility problem in which some … Read more

Temporal vs. Stochastic Granularity in Thermal Generation Capacity Planning with Wind Power

We propose a stochastic generation expansion model, where we represent the long-term uncertainty in the availability and variability in the weekly wind pattern with multiple scenarios. Scenario reduction is conducted to select a representative set of scenarios for the long-term wind power uncertainty. We assume that the short-term wind forecast error induces an additional amount … Read more

Gamma-Robust Facility Relocation Problem

In this paper, we consider relocating facilities, where we have demand changes in the network. Relocations are performed by closing some of the existing facilities from low demand areas and opening new ones in newly emerging areas. However, the actual changes of demand are not known in advance. Therefore, di erent scenarios with known probabilities are … Read more

Public Facility Location Using Dispersion, Population, and Equity Criteria

Administrators/Decision Makers (DMs) responsible for making locational decisions for public facilities have many other overriding factors to consider that dominate traditional OR/MS objectives that relate to response time. We propose that an appropriate role for the OR/MS analyst is to help the DMs identify a good set of solutions rather than an optimal solution that … Read more

Transmission Expansion Planning Using an AC Model: Formulations and Possible Relaxations

Transmission expansion planning (TEP) is a rather complicated process which requires extensive studies to determine when, where and how many transmission facilities are needed. A well planned power system will not only enhance the system reliability, but also tend to contribute positively to the overall system operating efficiency. Starting with two mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) … Read more

Single-Row Equidistant Facility Layout as a Special Case of Single-Row Facility Layout

In this paper we discuss two particular layout problems, namely the Single-Row Equidistant Facility Layout Problem (SREFLP) and the Single-Row Facility Layout Problem (SRFLP). Our aim is to consolidate the two respective branches in the layout literature. We show that the SREFLP is not only a special case of the Quadratic Assignment Problem but also … Read more

Scatter search algorithms for the single row facility layout problem

The single row facility layout problem (SRFLP) is the problem of arranging facilities with given lengths on a line, with the objective of minimizing the weighted sum of the distances between all pairs of facilities. The problem is NP-hard and research has focused on heuristics to solve large instances of the problem. In this paper … Read more

A competitive genetic algorithm for single row facility layout

The single row facility layout is the NP-Hard problem of arranging facilities with given lengths on a line, so as to minimize the weighted sum of the distances between all pairs of facilities. Owing to the computational complexity of the problem, researchers have developed several heuristics to obtain good quality solutions. In this paper, we … Read more

Exact and heuristic approaches to the budget-constrained dynamic uncapacitated facility location-network design problem

Facility location-network design problems seek to simultaneously determine the locations of fa- cilities and the design of the network connecting the facilities so as to best serve a set of clients accessing the facilities via the network. Here we study a dynamic (multi-period) version of the problem, subject to a budget constraint limiting the investment … Read more