Computational study of a branching algorithm for the maximum k-cut problem

This work considers the graph partitioning problem known as maximum k-cut. It focuses on investigating features of a branch-and-bound method to efficiently obtain global solutions. An exhaustive experimental study is carried out for two main components of a branch-and-bound algorithm: computing bounds and branching strategies. In particular, we propose the use of a variable neighborhood … Read more

Compact Formulations for Split Delivery Routing Problems

Split delivery routing problems are concerned with serving the demand of a set of customers with a fleet of capacitated vehicles at minimum cost, where a customer can be served by more than one vehicle if beneficial. They generalize traditional variants of routing problems and have applications in commercial as well as humanitarian logistics. Previously, … Read more

Multi-objective Optimization Based Algorithms for Solving Mixed Integer Linear Minimum Multiplicative Programs

We present two new algorithms for a class of single-objective non-linear optimization problems, the so-called Mixed Integer Linear minimum Multiplicative Programs (MIL-mMPs). This class of optimization problems has a desirable characteristic: a MIL-mMP can be viewed as a special case of the problem of optimization over the efficient set in multi-objective optimization. The proposed algorithms … Read more

A bi-level branch-and-bound algorithm for the capacitated competitive facility location problem

Competitive facility location problem is a typical facility locating optimization problem but in a competitive environment. The main characteristic of this problem is the competitive nature of the market. In essence, the problem involves two competitors, i.e., a leader and a follower, who seek to attract customers by establishing new facilities to maximize their own … Read more

Branch-and-cut-and-price for the Cardinality-constrained Multi-cycle Problem in Kidney Exchange

The establishment of kidney exchange programs has dramatically improved rates for kidney transplants by matching donors to compatible patients who would otherwise fail to receive a kidney for transplant. Rather than simply swapping kidneys between two patient-donor pairs, having multiple patient-donors pairs simultaneously donate kidneys in a cyclic manner enables all participants to receive a … Read more

Casting light on the hidden bilevel combinatorial structure of the k-Vertex Separator problem

Given an undirected graph, we study the capacitated vertex separator problem which asks to find a subset of vertices of minimum cardinality, the removal of which induces a graph having a bounded number of pairwise disconnected shores (subsets of vertices) of limited cardinality. The problem is of great importance in the analysis and protection of … Read more

On Integer and Bilevel Formulations for the k-Vertex Cut Problem

The family of Critical Node Detection Problems asks for finding a subset of vertices, deletion of which minimizes or maximizes a predefined connectivity measure on the remaining network. We study a problem of this family called the k-vertex cut problem. The problems asks for determining the minimum weight subset of nodes whose removal disconnects a … Read more

Branch-and-Cut-and-Price for Multi-Agent Pathfinding

There are currently two broad strategies for optimal Multi-agent Pathfinding (MAPF): (1) search-based methods, which model and solve MAPF directly, and (2) compilation-based solvers, which reduce MAPF to instances of well-known combinatorial problems, and thus, can benefit from advances in solver techniques. In this work, we present an optimal algorithm, BCP, that hybridizes both approaches … Read more

Integer Programming, Constraint Programming, and Hybrid Decomposition Approaches to Discretizable Distance Geometry Problems

Given an integer dimension K and a simple, undirected graph G with positive edge weights, the Distance Geometry Problem (DGP) aims to find a realization function mapping each vertex to a coordinate in K-dimensional space such that the distance between pairs of vertex coordinates is equal to the corresponding edge weights in G. The so-called … Read more