A biased random-key genetic algorithm for road congestion minimization

One of the main goals in transportation planning is to achieve solutions for two classical problems, the traffic assignment and toll pricing problems. The traffic assignment problem aims to minimize total travel delay among all travelers. Based on data derived from the first problem, the toll pricing problem determines the set of tolls and corresponding … Read more

A parallel multi-population biased random-key genetic algorithm for a container loading problem

This paper presents a multi-population biased random-key genetic algorithm (BRKGA) for the Single Container Loading Problem (CLP) where several rectangular boxes of different sizes are loaded into a single rectangular container. The approach uses a maximal-space representation to manage the free spaces in the container. The proposed algorithm hybridizes a novel placement procedure with a … Read more

SDP relaxations for some combinatorial optimization problems

In this chapter we present recent developments on solving various combinatorial optimization problems by using semidefinite programming (SDP). We present several SDP relaxations of the quadratic assignment problem and the traveling salesman problem. Further, we show the equivalence of several known SDP relaxations of the graph equipartition problem, and present recent results on the bandwidth … Read more

Local Search Approximation Algorithms for the Complement of the Min-hBcCut Problems

Min-$k$-cut is the problem of partitioning vertices of a given graph or hypergraph into $k$ subsets such that the total weight of edges or hyperedges crossing different subsets is minimized. For the capacitated min-$k$-cut problem, each edge has a non-negative weight, and each subset has a possibly different capacity that imposes an upper bound on … Read more

Feasible and accurate algorithms for covering semidefinite programs

In this paper we describe an algorithm to approximately solve a class of semidefinite programs called covering semidefinite programs. This class includes many semidefinite programs that arise in the context of developing algorithms for important optimization problems such as sparsest cut, wireless multicasting, and pattern classification. We give algorithms for covering SDPs whose dependence on … Read more

Coverings and Matchings in r-Partite Hypergraphs

Ryser’s conjecture postulates that, for $r$-partite hypergraphs, $\tau \leq (r-1) \nu$ where $\tau$ is the covering number of the hypergraph and $\nu$ is the matching number. Although this conjecture has been open since the 1960s, researchers have resolved it for special cases such as for intersecting hypergraphs where $r \leq 5$. In this paper, we … Read more

Approximating the Least Core Value and Least Core of Cooperative Games with Supermodular Costs

We study the approximation of the least core value and the least core of supermodular cost cooperative games. We provide a framework for approximation based on oracles that approximately determine maximally violated constraints. This framework yields a (3 + \epsilon)-approximation algorithm for computing the least core value of supermodular cost cooperative games, and a polynomial-time … Read more

Explicit Convex and Concave Envelopes through Polyhedral Subdivisions

In this paper, we derive explicit characterizations of convex and concave envelopes of several nonlinear functions over various subsets of a hyper-rectangle. These envelopes are obtained by identifying polyhedral subdivisions of the hyper-rectangle over which the envelopes can be constructed easily. In particular, we use these techniques to derive, in closed-form, the concave envelopes of … Read more

Semidefinite code bounds based on quadruple distances

Let A(n, d) be the maximum number of 0, 1 words of length n, any two having Hamming distance at least d. We prove A(20, 8) = 256, which implies that the quadruply shortened Golay code is optimal. Moreover, we show A(18, 6) ≤ 673, A(19, 6) ≤ 1237, A(20, 6) ≤ 2279, A(23, 6) … Read more

Small bipartite subgraph polytopes

We compute a complete linear description of the bipartite subgraph polytope, for up to seven nodes, and a conjectured complete description for eight nodes. We then show how these descriptions were used to compute the integrality ratio of various relaxations of the max-cut problem, again for up to eight nodes. Citation L. Galli & A.N. … Read more