Gauge optimization, duality, and applications

Gauge functions significantly generalize the notion of a norm, and gauge optimization, as defined by Freund (1987), seeks the element of a convex set that is minimal with respect to a gauge function. This conceptually simple problem can be used to model a remarkable array of useful problems, including a special case of conic optimization, … Read more

Completely Positive Reformulations for Polynomial Optimization

Polynomial optimization encompasses a very rich class of problems in which both the objective and constraints can be written in terms of polynomials on the decision variables. There is a well stablished body of research on quadratic polynomial optimization problems based on reformulations of the original problem as a conic program over the cone of … Read more

Convex Quadratic Relaxations for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs in Power Systems

This paper presents a set of new convex quadratic relaxations for nonlinear and mixed-integer nonlinear programs arising in power systems. The considered models are motivated by hybrid discrete/continuous applications where existing approximations do not provide optimality guarantees. The new relaxations offer computational efficiency along with minimal optimality gaps, providing an interesting alternative to state-of-the-art semi-definite … Read more

The Direct Extension of ADMM for Multi-block Convex Minimization Problems is Not Necessarily Convergent

The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is now widely used in many fields, and its convergence was proved when two blocks of variables are alternatively updated. It is strongly desirable and practically valuable to extend ADMM directly to the case of a multi-block convex minimization problem where its objective function is the sum of … Read more

Smooth minimization of nonsmooth functions with parallel coordinate descent methods

We study the performance of a family of randomized parallel coordinate descent methods for minimizing the sum of a nonsmooth and separable convex functions. The problem class includes as a special case L1-regularized L1 regression and the minimization of the exponential loss (“AdaBoost problem”). We assume the input data defining the loss function is contained … Read more

Large-scale optimization with the primal-dual column generation method

The primal-dual column generation method (PDCGM) is a general-purpose column generation technique that relies on the primal-dual interior point method to solve the restricted master problems. The use of this interior point method variant allows to obtain suboptimal and well-centered dual solutions which naturally stabilizes the column generation. A reduction in the number of calls … Read more

On the Coupled Continuous Knapsack Problems: Projection Onto the Volume Constrained Gibbs N-Simplex

Coupled continuous quadratic knapsack problems (CCK) are introduced in the present study. The solution of a CCK problem is equivalent to the projection of an arbitrary point onto the volume constrained Gibbs N-simplex, which has a wide range of applications in computational science and engineering. Three algorithms have been developed in the present study to … Read more

Stability of Polynomial Differential Equations: Complexity and Converse Lyapunov Questions

We consider polynomial differential equations and make a number of contributions to the questions of (i) complexity of deciding stability, (ii) existence of polynomial Lyapunov functions, and (iii) existence of sum of squares (sos) Lyapunov functions. (i) We show that deciding local or global asymptotic stability of cubic vector fields is strongly NP-hard. Simple variations … Read more

Separable Approximations and Decomposition Methods for the Augmented Lagrangian

In this paper we study decomposition methods based on separable approximations for minimizing the augmented Lagrangian. In particular, we study and compare the Diagonal Quadratic Approximation Method (DQAM) of Mulvey and Ruszczy\'{n}ski and the Parallel Coordinate Descent Method (PCDM) of Richt\'{a}rik and Tak\'{a}\v{c}. We show that the two methods are equivalent for feasibility problems up … Read more

Inexact Coordinate Descent: Complexity and Preconditioning

In this paper we consider the problem of minimizing a convex function using a randomized block coordinate descent method. One of the key steps at each iteration of the algorithm is determining the update to a block of variables. Existing algorithms assume that in order to compute the update, a particular subproblem is solved exactly. … Read more