Target following algorithms for semidefinite programming

We present a target-following framework for semidefinite programming, which generalizes the target-following framework for linear programming. We use this framework to build weighted path-following interior-point algorithms of three distinct flavors: short-step, predictor-corrector, and large-update. These algorithms have worse-case iteration bounds that parallel their counterparts in linear programming. We further consider the problem of finding analytic … Read more

Mosco stability of proximal mappings in reflexive Banach spaces

In this paper we establish criteria for the stability of the proximal mapping \textrm{Prox} $_{\varphi }^{f}=(\partial \varphi +\partial f)^{-1}$ associated to the proper lower semicontinuous convex functions $\varphi $ and $f$ on a reflexive Banach space $X.$ We prove that, under certain conditions, if the convex functions $\varphi _{n}$ converge in the sense of Mosco … Read more

Proximal Point Methods for Quasiconvex and Convex Functions With Bregman Distances

This paper generalizes the proximal point method using Bregman distances to solve convex and quasiconvex optimization problems on noncompact Hadamard manifolds. We will proved that the sequence generated by our method is well defined and converges to an optimal solution of the problem. Also, we obtain the same convergence properties for the classical proximal method, … Read more

Numerical Experiments with universal barrier functions for cones of Chebyshev systems

Based on previous explicit computations of universal barrier functions, we describe numerical experiments for solving certain classes of convex optimization problems. The comparison is given of the performance of the classical affine-scaling algorithm with similar algorithm based upon the universal barrier function Citation To appear in “Computational Optimization and Applications” Article Download View Numerical Experiments … Read more

Generating and Measuring Instances of Hard Semidefinite Programs, SDP

Linear Programming, LP, problems with finite optimal value have a zero duality gap and a primal-dual strictly complementary optimal solution pair. On the other hand, there exists Semidefinite Programming, SDP, problems which have a nonzero duality gap (different primal and dual optimal values; not both infinite). The duality gap is assured to be zero if … Read more

Steplength Selection in Interior-Point Methods for Quadratic Programming

We present a new strategy for choosing primal and dual steplengths in a primal-dual interior-point algorithm for convex quadratic programming. Current implementations often scale steps equally to avoid increases in dual infeasibility between iterations. We propose that this method can be too conservative, while safeguarding an unequally-scaled steplength approach will often require fewer steps toward … Read more

The multiple-sets split feasibility problem and its applications for inverse problems

The multiple-sets split feasibility problem requires to find a point closest to a family of closed convex sets in one space such that its image under a linear transformation will be closest to another family of closed convex sets in the image space. It can be a model for many inverse problems where constraints are … Read more

On Time-Invariant Purified-Output-Based Discrete Time Control

In 05/25/05, we have demonstrated that the family of all affine non-anticipative output-based control laws in a discrete time linear dynamical system affected by uncertain disturbances is equivalent, as far as state-control trajectories are concerned, to the family of all affine non-anticipative “purified-output-based” control laws. The advantage of the latter representation of affine controls … Read more

Computational acceleration of projection algorithms for the linear best approximation problem

This is an experimental computational account of projection algorithms for the linear best approximation problem. We focus on the sequential and simultaneous versions of Dykstra’s algorithm and the Halpern-Lions-Wittmann-Bauschke algorithm for the best approximation problem from a point to the intersection of closed convex sets in the Euclidean space. These algorithms employ different iterative approaches … Read more

Fast Moreau Envelope Computation I: Numerical Algorithms

The present article summarizes the state of the art algorithms to compute the discrete Moreau envelope, and presents a new linear-time algorithm, named NEP for NonExpansive Proximal mapping. Numerical comparisons between the NEP and two existing algorithms: The Linear-time Legendre Transform (LLT) and the Parabolic Envelope (PE) algorithms are performed. Worst-case time complexity, convergence results, … Read more