Optimality, identifiability, and sensitivity

Around a solution of an optimization problem, an “identifiable” subset of the feasible region is one containing all nearby solutions after small perturbations to the problem. A quest for only the most essential ingredients of sensitivity analysis leads us to consider identifiable sets that are “minimal”. This new notion lays a broad and intuitive variational-analytic … Read more

Stochastic optimization and sparse statistical recovery: An optimal algorithm for high dimensions

We develop and analyze stochastic optimization algorithms for problems in which the expected loss is strongly convex, and the optimum is (approximately) sparse. Previous approaches are able to exploit only one of these two structures, yielding an $\order(\pdim/T)$ convergence rate for strongly convex objectives in $\pdim$ dimensions, and an $\order(\sqrt{(\spindex \log \pdim)/T})$ convergence rate when … Read more

An acceleration procedure for optimal first-order methods

We introduce in this paper an optimal first-order method that allows an easy and cheap evaluation of the local Lipschitz constant of the objective’s gradient. This constant must ideally be chosen at every iteration as small as possible, while serving in an indispensable upper bound for the value of the objective function. In the previously … Read more

Optimality conditions for the nonlinear programming problems on Riemannian manifolds

In recent years, many traditional optimization methods have been successfully generalized to minimize objective functions on manifolds. In this paper, we first extend the general traditional constrained optimization problem to a nonlinear programming problem built upon a general Riemannian manifold $\mathcal{M}$, and discuss the first-order and the second-order optimality conditions. By exploiting the differential geometry … Read more

A variable smoothing algorithm for solving convex optimization problems

In this article we propose a method for solving unconstrained optimization problems with convex and Lipschitz continuous objective functions. By making use of the Moreau envelopes of the functions occurring in the objective, we smooth the latter to a convex and differentiable function with Lipschitz continuous gradient by using both variable and constant smoothing parameters. … Read more

Aubin Property and Uniqueness of Solutions in Cone Constrained Optimization

We discuss conditions for the Aubin property of solutions to perturbed cone constrained programs, by using and refining results given in \cite{KlaKum02}. In particular, we show that constraint nondegeneracy and hence uniqueness of the multiplier is necessary for the Aubin property of the critical point map. Moreover, we give conditions under which the critical point … Read more

A primal-dual splitting algorithm for finding zeros of sums of maximally monotone operators

We consider the primal problem of finding the zeros of the sum of a maximally monotone operator with the composition of another maximally monotone operator with a linear continuous operator and a corresponding dual problem formulated by means of the inverse operators. A primal-dual splitting algorithm which simultaneously solves the two problems in finite-dimensional spaces … Read more

A Family of Second-Order Methods for Convex L1-Regularized Optimization

This paper is concerned with the minimization of an objective that is the sum of a convex function $f$ and an $\ell_1$ regularization term. Our interest is in methods that incorporate second-order information about the function $f$ to accelerate convergence. We describe a semi-smooth Newton framework that can be used to generate a variety of … Read more

A quasi-Newton proximal splitting method

A new result in convex analysis on the calculation of proximity operators in certain scaled norms is derived. We describe efficient implementations of the proximity calculation for a useful class of functions; the implementations exploit the piece-wise linear nature of the dual problem. The second part of the paper applies the previous result to acceleration … Read more