Steered sequential projections for the inconsistent convex feasibility problem

We study a steered sequential gradient algorithm which minimizes the sum of convex functions by proceeding cyclically in the directions of the negative gradients of the functions and using steered step-sizes. This algorithm is applied to the convex feasibility problem by minimizing a proximity function which measures the sum of the Bregman distances to the … Read more

Invariance and efficiency of convex representations

We consider two notions for the representations of convex cones: $G$-representation and lifted-$G$-representation. The former represents a convex cone as a slice of another; the latter allows in addition, the usage of auxiliary variables in the representation. We first study the basic properties of these representations. We show that some basic properties of convex cones … Read more

Variational Analysis of Functions of the Roots of Polynomials

The Gauss-Lucas Theorem on the roots of polynomials nicely simplifies calculating the subderivative and regular subdifferential of the abscissa mapping on polynomials (the maximum of the real parts of the roots). This paper extends this approach to more general functions of the roots. By combining the Gauss-Lucas methodology with an analysis of the splitting behavior … Read more

Stationarity and Regularity of Set Systems

Extremality, stationarity and regularity notions for a system of closed sets in a normed linear space are investigated. The equivalence of different abstract “extremal” settings in terms of set systems and multifunctions is proved. The dual necessary and sufficient conditions of weak stationarity (the Extended extremal principle) are presented for the case of an Asplund … Read more

Solving large scale linear multicommodity flow problems with an active set strategy and Proximal-ACCPM

In this paper, we propose to solve the linear multicommodity flow problem using a partial Lagrangian relaxation. The relaxation is restricted to the set of arcs that are likely to be saturated at the optimum. This set is itself approximated by an active set strategy. The partial Lagrangian dual is solved with Proximal-ACCPM, a variant … Read more

Necessary and Sufficient Optimality Conditions for Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints

In this paper we consider a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC) formulated as a mathematical program with complementarity constraints. Various stationary conditions for MPECs exist in literature due to different reformulations. We give a simple proof to the M-stationary condition and show that it is sufficient or locally sufficient for optimality under some MPEC … Read more

Inherent smoothness of intensity patterns for intensity modulated radiation therapy generated by simultaneous projection algorithms

The efficient delivery of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) depends on finding optimized beam intensity patterns that produce dose distributions, which meet given constraints for the tumor as well as any critical organs to be spared. Many optimization algorithms that are used for beamlet-based inverse planning are susceptible to large variations of neighboring intensities. Accurately … Read more

Mean-risk objectives in stochastic programming

Traditional stochastic programming is risk neutral in the sense that it is concerned with the optimization of an expectation criteria. A common approach to addressing risk in decision making problems is to consider a weighted mean-risk criterion, where some dispersion statistic is used as a measure of risk. We investigate the computational suitability of various … Read more

A matrix generation approach for eigenvalue optimization

We study the extension of a column generation technique to eigenvalue optimization. In our approach we utilize the method of analytic center to obtain the query points at each iteration. A restricted master problem in the primal space is formed corresponding to the relaxed dual problem. At each step of the algorithm, an oracle is … Read more

A new notion of weighted centers for semidefinite programming

The notion of weighted centers is essential in V-space interior-point algorithms for linear programming. Although there were some successes in generalizing this notion to semidefinite programming via weighted center equations, we still do not have a generalization that preserves two important properties — 1) each choice of weights uniquely determines a pair of primal-dual weighted … Read more