A new combinatorial algorithm for separable convex resource allocation with nested bound constraints

The separable convex resource allocation problem with nested bound constraints aims to allocate $B$ units of resources to $n$ activities to minimize a separable convex cost function, with lower and upper bounds on the total amount of resources that can be consumed by nested subsets of activities. We develop a new combinatorial algorithm to solve … Read more

A convex integer programming approach for optimal sparse PCA

Principal component analysis (PCA) is one of the most widely used dimensionality reduction tools in scientific data analysis. The PCA direction, given by the leading eigenvector of a covariance matrix, is a linear combination of all features with nonzero loadings—this impedes interpretability. Sparse principal component analysis (SPCA) is a framework that enhances interpretability by incorporating … Read more

Endogenous Price Zones and Investment Incentives in Electricity Markets: An Application of Multilevel Optimization with Graph Partitioning

In the course of the energy transition, load and supply centers are growing apart in electricity markets worldwide, rendering regional price signals even more important to provide adequate locational investment incentives. This paper focuses on electricity markets that operate under a zonal pricing market design. For a fixed number of zones, we endogenously derive the … Read more

Resilient layout, design and operation of energy-efficient water distribution networks for high-rise buildings using MINLP

Water supply of high-rise buildings requires pump systems to ensure pressure requirements. The design goal of these systems are energy and cost efficiency, both in terms of fixed cost as well as during operation. In this paper, cost optimal decentralized and tree-shaped water distribution networks are computed, where placements of pumps at different locations in … Read more

A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Solving Mixed-integer Semidefinite Optimization Problems

This paper is concerned with a cutting-plane algorithm for solving mixed-integer semidefinite optimization (MISDO) problems. In this algorithm, the positive semidefinite constraint is relaxed, and the resultant mixed-integer linear optimization problem is repeatedly solved with valid inequalities for the relaxed constraint. We prove convergence properties of the algorithm. Moreover, to speed up the computation, we … Read more

A mixed-integer fractional optimization approach to best subset selection

We consider the best subset selection problem in linear regression, i.e., finding a parsimonious subset of the regression variables that provides the best fit to the data according to some predefined criterion. We show that, for a broad range of criteria used in the statistics literature, the best subset selection problem can be modeled as … Read more

On robust fractional 0-1 programming

We study single- and multiple-ratio robust fractional 0-1 programming problems (RFPs). In particular, this work considers RFPs under a wide-range of disjoint and joint uncertainty sets, where the former implies separate uncertainty sets for each numerator and denominator, and the latter accounts for different forms of inter-relatedness between them. First, we demonstrate that, unlike the … Read more

Location and Capacity Planning of Facilities with General Service-Time Distributions Using Conic Optimization

This paper studies a stochastic congested location problem in the network of a service system that consists of facilities to be established in a finite number of candidate locations. Population zones allocated to each open service facility together creates a stream of demand that follows a Poisson process and may cause congestion at the facility. … Read more

On Subadditive Duality for Conic Mixed-Integer Programs

In this paper, we show that the subadditive dual of a feasible conic mixed-integer program (MIP) is a strong dual whenever it is feasible. Moreover, we show that this dual feasibility condition is equivalent to feasibility of the conic dual of the continuous relaxation of the conic MIP. In addition, we prove that all known … Read more

Outer Approximation With Conic Certificates For Mixed-Integer Convex Problems

A mixed-integer convex (MI-convex) optimization problem is one that becomes convex when all integrality constraints are relaxed. We present a branch-and-bound LP outer approximation algorithm for an MI-convex problem transformed to MI-conic form. The polyhedral relaxations are refined with K* cuts} derived from conic certificates for continuous primal-dual conic subproblems. Under the assumption that all … Read more