Towards nonsymmetric conic optimization

In this paper we propose a new interior-point method, which is based on an extension of the ideas of self-scaled optimization to the general cones. We suggest using the primal correction process to find a {\em scaling point}. This point is used to compute a strictly feasible primal-dual pair by simple projection. Then, we define … Read more

Corrector-predictor methods for monotone linear complementarity problems in a wide neighborhood of the central path

Two corrector-predictor interior point algorithms are proposed for solving mono\-tone linear complementarity problems. The algorithms produce a sequence of iterates in the $\caln_{\infty}^{-}$ neighborhood of the central path. The first algorithm uses line search schemes requiring the solution of higher order polynomial equations in one variable, while the line search procedures of the second algorithm … Read more

On the Quality of a Semidefinite Programming Bound for Sparse Principal Component Analysis

We examine the problem of approximating a positive, semidefinite matrix $\Sigma$ by a dyad $xx^T$, with a penalty on the cardinality of the vector $x$. This problem arises in sparse principal component analysis, where a decomposition of $\Sigma$ involving sparse factors is sought. We express this hard, combinatorial problem as a maximum eigenvalue problem, in … Read more

Representing the space of linear programs as a Grassmannian

We represent the space of linear programs as the space of projection matrices. Projection matrices of the same dimension and rank comprise a Grassmannian, which has rich geometric and algebraic structures. An ordinary differential equation on the space of projection matrices defines a path for each projection matrix associated with a linear programming instance and … Read more

Numerical Experiments with universal barrier functions for cones of Chebyshev systems

Based on previous explicit computations of universal barrier functions, we describe numerical experiments for solving certain classes of convex optimization problems. The comparison is given of the performance of the classical affine-scaling algorithm with similar algorithm based upon the universal barrier function Citation To appear in “Computational Optimization and Applications” Article Download View Numerical Experiments … Read more

Algebraic Tail Decay of Condition Numbers for Random Conic Systems under a General Family of Input Distributions

We consider the conic feasibility problem associated with linear homogeneous systems of inequalities. The complexity of iterative algorithms for solving this problem depends on a condition number. When studying the typical behaviour of algorithms under stochastic input one is therefore naturally led to investigate the fatness of the distribution tails of the random condition number … Read more

A Tractable Approximation of Stochastic Programming via Robust Optimization

Stochastic programming, despite its immense modeling capabilities, is well known to be computationally excruciating. In this paper, we introduce a unified framework of approximating multiperiod stochastic programming from the perspective of robust optimization. Specifically, we propose a framework that integrates multistage modeling with safeguarding constraints. The framework is computationally tractable in the form of second … Read more

An extension of the standard polynomial-time primal-dual path-following algorithm to the weighted determinant maximization problem with semidefinite constraints

The problem of maximizing the sum of linear functional and several weighted logarithmic determinant (logdet) functions under semidefinite constraints is a generalization of the semidefinite programming (SDP) and has a number of applications in statistics and datamining, and other areas of informatics and mathematical sciences. In this paper, we extend the framework of standard primal-dual … Read more

Central Paths in Semidefinite Programming, Generalized Proximal Point Method and Cauchy Trajectories in Riemannian Manifolds

The relationships among central path in the context of semidefinite programming, generalized proximal point method and Cauchy trajectory in Riemannian manifolds is studied in this paper. First it is proved that the central path associated to the general function is well defined. The convergence and characterization of its limit point is established for functions satisfying … Read more

On the complexity of optimization over the standard simplex

We review complexity results for minimizing polynomials over the standard simplex and unit hypercube. In addition, we show that there exists a polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) for minimizing some classes of functions (including Lipschitz continuous functions) over the standard simplex. The main tools used in the analysis are Bernstein approximation and Lagrange interpolation on … Read more