Pointillism via Linear Programming

Pointillism is a painting technique in which the painter places dots of paint on the canvas in such a way that they blend together into desired forms when viewed from a distance. In this brief note, we describe how to use linear programming to construct a pointillist portrait. Citation Dept. of Mathematics, Oberlin College, Oberlin, … Read more

A semidefinite programming based polyhedral cut and price algorithm for the maxcut problem

We investigate solution of the maximum cut problem using a polyhedral cut and price approach. The dual of the well-known SDP relaxation of maxcut is formulated as a semi-infinite linear programming problem, which is solved within an interior point cutting plane algorithm in a dual setting; this constitutes the pricing (column generation) phase of the … Read more

Implementation of Infinite Dimensional Interior Point Method for Solving Multi-criteria Linear-Quadratic Control Problem

We describe an implementation of an infinite-dimensional primal-dual algorithm based on the Nesterov-Todd direction. Several applications to both continuous and discrete-time multi-criteria linear-quadratic control problems and linear-quadratic control problem with quadratic constraints are described. Numerical results show a very fast convergence (typically, within 3-4 iterations) to optimal solutions Citation Preprint, May, 2004, University of Notre … Read more

Sensitivity analysis for linear optimization problem with fuzzy data in the objective function

Linear programming problems with fuzzy coefficients in the objective function are considered. Emphasis is on the dependence of the optimal solution from linear perturbations of the membership functions of the objective function coefficients as well as on the computation of a robust solution of the fuzzy linear problem if the membership functions are not surely … Read more

An Iterative Solver-Based Infeasible Primal-Dual Path-Following Algorithm for Convex QP

In this paper we develop an interior-point primal-dual long-step path-following algorithm for convex quadratic programming (CQP) whose search directions are computed by means of an iterative (linear system) solver. We propose a new linear system, which we refer to as the \emph{augmented normal equation} (ANE), to determine the primal-dual search directions. Since the condition number … Read more

SDP vs. LP relaxations for the moment approach in some performance evaluation problems

Given a Markov process we are interested in the numerical computation of the moments of the exit time from a bounded domain. We use a moment approach which, together with appropriate semidefinite positivity moment conditions, yields a sequence of semidefinite programs (or SDP relaxations), depending on the number of moments considered, that provide a sequence … Read more

Cutting plane algorithms for robust conic convex optimization

In the paper we study some well-known cases of nonlinear programming problems, presenting them as instances of Inexact Linear Programming. The class of problems considered contains, in particular, semidefinite programming, second order cone programming and special cases of inexact semidefinite programming. Strong duality results for the nonlinear problems studied are obtained via the Lagrangian duality. … Read more

An Extension of Sums of Squares Relaxations to Polynomial Optimization Problems over Symmetric Cones

This paper is based on a recent work by Kojima which extended sums of squares relaxations of polynomial optimization problems to polynomial semidefinite programs. Let ${\cal E}$ and ${\cal E}_+$ be a finite dimensional real vector space and a symmetric cone embedded in ${\cal E}$; examples of $\calE$ and $\calE_+$ include a pair of the … Read more

Three-dimensional quasi-static frictional contact by using second-order cone linear complementarity problem

A new formulation is presented for the three-dimensional incremental quasi-static problems with unilateral frictional contact. Under the assumptions of small rotations and small strains, a Second-Order Cone Linear omplementarity Problem (SOCLCP) is formulated, which consists of complementarity conditions defined by the bilinear functions and the second-order cone constraints. The equilibrium configurations are obtained by using … Read more

Semidefinite descriptions of cones defining spectral mask constraints

We discuss in detail an additive structure of cones of trigonometric polynomials nonnegative on the union of finite number of pairwise disjoint segments of the unit circle. We derive new descriptions of these cones in terms of semidefinite constraints. We explain the results of M. Krein and A. Nudelman providing a description of dual cones … Read more