Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions

We introduce the framework of path-complete graph Lyapunov functions for approximation of the joint spectral radius. The approach is based on the analysis of the underlying switched system via inequalities imposed among multiple Lyapunov functions associated to a labeled directed graph. Inspired by concepts in automata theory and symbolic dynamics, we define a class of … Read more

Joint Spectral Radius and Path-Complete Graph Lyapunov Functions

We introduce the framework of path-complete graph Lyapunov functions for approximation of the joint spectral radius. The approach is based on the analysis of the underlying switched system via inequalities imposed among multiple Lyapunov functions associated to a labeled directed graph. Inspired by concepts in automata theory and symbolic dynamics, we define a class of … Read more

A First-Order Smoothing Technique for a Class of Large-Scale Linear Programs

We study a class of linear programming (LP) problems motivated by large-scale machine learning applications. After reformulating the LP as a convex nonsmooth problem, we apply Nesterov’s primal-dual smoothing technique. It turns out that the iteration complexity of the smoothing technique depends on a parameter $\th$ that arises because we need to bound the originally … Read more

Approximating the Exponential, the Lanczos Method and an \tilde{O}(m)-Time Spectral Algorithm for Balanced Separator

We give a novel spectral approximation algorithm for the balanced separator problem that, given a graph G, a constant balance b \in (0,1/2], and a parameter \gamma, either finds an \Omega(b)-balanced cut of conductance O(\sqrt{\gamma}) in G, or outputs a certificate that all b-balanced cuts in G have conductance at least \gamma, and runs in … Read more

A Primal Barrier Function Phase I Algorithm for Nonsymmetric Conic Optimization Problems

We call a positive semidefinite matrix whose elements are nonnegative a doubly nonnegative matrix, and the set of those matrices the doubly nonnegative cone (DNN cone). The DNN cone is not symmetric but can be represented as the projection of a symmetric cone embedded in a higher dimension. In \cite{aYOSHISE10}, the authors demonstrated the efficiency … Read more

An extension of the elimination method for a sparse SOS polynomial

We propose a method to reduce the sizes of SDP relaxation problems for a given polynomial optimization problem (POP). This method is an extension of the elimination method for a sparse SOS polynomial in [Kojima et al., Mathematical Programming] and exploits sparsity of polynomials involved in a given POP. In addition, we show that this … Read more

Improved lower bounds for the 2-page crossing numbers of K(m,n) and K(n) via semidefinite programming

The crossing number of a graph is the minimal number of edge crossings achievable in a drawing of the graph in the plane. The crossing numbers of complete and complete bipartite graphs are long standing open questions. In a 2-page drawing of a graph, all vertices are drawn on a circle, and no edge may … Read more

Differentiable exact penalty functions for nonlinear second-order cone programs

We propose a method to solve nonlinear second-order cone programs (SOCPs), based on a continuously differentiable exact penalty function. The construction of the penalty function is given by incorporating a multipliers estimate in the augmented Lagrangian for SOCPs. Under the nondegeneracy assumption and the strong second-order sufficient condition, we show that a generalized Newton method … Read more

Robust Rankings for College Football

We investigate the sensitivity of the Colley Matrix (CM) rankings—one of six computer rankings used by the Bowl Championship Series—to (hypothetical) changes in the outcomes of (actual) games. Specifically, we measure the shift in the rankings of the top 25 teams when the win-loss outcome of, say, a single game between two teams, each with … Read more

Correlative Sparsity Structures and Semidefinite Relaxations for Concave Cost Transportation Problems with Change of Variables

We present a hierarchy of semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations for solving the concave cost transportation problem (CCTP), which is known to be NP-hard, with $p$ suppliers and $q$ demanders. In particular, we study cases in which the cost function is quadratic or square-root concave. The key idea of our relaxation methods is in the change … Read more