Theta Bodies for Polynomial Ideals

Inspired by a question of Lov\’asz, we introduce a hierarchy of nested semidefinite relaxations of the convex hull of real solutions to an arbitrary polynomial ideal, called theta bodies of the ideal. For the stable set problem in a graph, the first theta body in this hierarchy is exactly Lov{\’a}sz’s theta body of the graph. … Read more

Exploiting Sparsity in Linear and Nonlinear Matrix Inequalities via Positive Semidefinite Matrix Completion

A basic framework for exploiting sparsity via positive semidefinite matrix completion is presented for an optimization problem with linear and nonlinear matrix inequalities. The sparsity, characterized with a chordal graph structure, can be detected in the variable matrix or in a linear or nonlinear matrix-inequality constraint of the problem. We classify the sparsity in two … Read more

Semidefinite Programming Approaches to Distance Geometry Problems

Given a subset of all the pair-wise distances between a set of points in a fixed dimension, and possibly the positions of few of the points (called anchors), can we estimate the (relative) positions of all the unknown points (in the given dimension) accurately? This problem is known as the Euclidean Distance Geometry or Graph … Read more

The Rotational Dimension of a Graph

Given a connected graph $G=(N,E)$ with node weights $s\in\R^N_+$ and nonnegative edge lengths, we study the following embedding problem related to an eigenvalue optimization problem over the second smallest eigenvalue of the (scaled) Laplacian of $G$: Find $v_i\in\R^{|N|}$, $i\in N$ so that distances between adjacent nodes do not exceed prescribed edge lengths, the weighted barycenter … Read more

Dynamic Evolution for Risk-Neutral Densities

Option price data is often used to infer risk-neutral densities for future prices of an underlying asset. Given the prices of a set of options on the same underlying asset with different strikes and maturities, we propose a nonparametric approach for estimating the evolution of the risk-neutral density in time. Our method uses bicubic splines … Read more

A globally convergent primal-dual interior-point 3D filter method for nonlinear SDP

This paper proposes a primal-dual interior-point filter method for nonlinear semidefinite programming, which is the first multidimensional (three-dimensional) filter methods for interior-point methods, and of course for constrained optimization. A freshly new definition of filter entries is proposed, which is greatly different from those in all the current filter methods. A mixed norm is used … Read more

Exploiting special structure in semidefinite programming: a survey of theory and applications

Semidefinite Programming (SDP) may be seen as a generalization of Linear Programming (LP). In particular, one may extend interior point algorithms for LP to SDP, but it has proven much more difficult to exploit structure in the SDP data during computation. We survey three types of special structure in SDP data: 1) a common `chordal’ … Read more

An SDP-based divide-and-conquer algorithm for large scale noisy anchor-free graph realization

We propose the DISCO algorithm for graph realization in $\real^d$, given sparse and noisy short-range inter-vertex distances as inputs. Our divide-and-conquer algorithm works as follows. When a group has a sufficiently small number of vertices, the basis step is to form a graph realization by solving a semidefinite program. The recursive step is to break … Read more

A new library of structured semidefinite programming instances

Solvers for semidefinite programming (SDP) have evolved a great deal in the last decade, and their development continues. In order to further support and encourage this development, we present a new test set of SDP instances. These instances arise from recent applications of SDP in coding theory, computational geometry, graph theory and structural design. Most … Read more

Strange Behaviors of Interior-point Methods for Solving Semidefinite Programming Problems in Polynomial Optimization

We observe that in a simple one-dimensional polynomial optimization problem (POP), the `optimal’ values of semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation problems reported by the standard SDP solvers converge to the optimal value of the POP, while the true optimal values of SDP relaxation problems are strictly and significantly less than that value. Some pieces of circumstantial … Read more