Recovering Risk-Neutral Probability Density Functions from Options Prices using Cubic Splines

We present a new approach to estimate the risk-neutral probability density function (pdf) of the future prices of an underlying asset from the prices of options written on the asset. The estimation is carried out in the space of cubic spline functions, yielding appropriate smoothness. The resulting optimization problem, used to invert the data and … Read more

Computational Enhancements in Low-Rank Semidefinite Programming

We discuss computational enhancements for the low-rank semidefinite programming algorithm, including the extension to block semidefinite programs, an exact linesearch procedure, and a dynamic rank reduction scheme. A truncated Newton method is also introduced, and several preconditioning strategies are proposed. Numerical experiments illustrating these enhancements are provided. CitationManuscript, Department of Mangagement Sciences, University of Iowa, … Read more

A direct formulation for sparse PCA using semidefinite programming

We examine the problem of approximating, in the Frobenius-norm sense, a positive, semidefinite symmetric matrix by a rank-one matrix, with an upper bound on the cardinality of its eigenvector. The problem arises in the decomposition of a covariance matrix into sparse factors, and has wide applications ranging from biology to finance. We use a modification … Read more

Primal-Dual Interior-Point Algorithms for Semidefinite Optimization Based on a Simple Kernel Function

Interior-point methods (IPMs) for semidefinite optimization (SDO) have been studied intensively, due to their polynomial complexity and practical efficiency. Recently, J.Peng et al. introduced so-called self-regular kernel (and barrier) functions and designed primal-dual interior-point algorithms based on self-regular proximity for linear optimization (LO) problems. They have also extended the approach for LO to SDO. In … Read more

A semidefinite programming based polyhedral cut and price algorithm for the maxcut problem

We investigate solution of the maximum cut problem using a polyhedral cut and price approach. The dual of the well-known SDP relaxation of maxcut is formulated as a semi-infinite linear programming problem, which is solved within an interior point cutting plane algorithm in a dual setting; this constitutes the pricing (column generation) phase of the … Read more

SDP vs. LP relaxations for the moment approach in some performance evaluation problems

Given a Markov process we are interested in the numerical computation of the moments of the exit time from a bounded domain. We use a moment approach which, together with appropriate semidefinite positivity moment conditions, yields a sequence of semidefinite programs (or SDP relaxations), depending on the number of moments considered, that provide a sequence … Read more

An Extension of Sums of Squares Relaxations to Polynomial Optimization Problems over Symmetric Cones

This paper is based on a recent work by Kojima which extended sums of squares relaxations of polynomial optimization problems to polynomial semidefinite programs. Let ${\cal E}$ and ${\cal E}_+$ be a finite dimensional real vector space and a symmetric cone embedded in ${\cal E}$; examples of $\calE$ and $\calE_+$ include a pair of the … Read more

Semidefinite descriptions of cones defining spectral mask constraints

We discuss in detail an additive structure of cones of trigonometric polynomials nonnegative on the union of finite number of pairwise disjoint segments of the unit circle. We derive new descriptions of these cones in terms of semidefinite constraints. We explain the results of M. Krein and A. Nudelman providing a description of dual cones … Read more

A new notion of weighted centers for semidefinite programming

The notion of weighted centers is essential in V-space interior-point algorithms for linear programming. Although there were some successes in generalizing this notion to semidefinite programming via weighted center equations, we still do not have a generalization that preserves two important properties — 1) each choice of weights uniquely determines a pair of primal-dual weighted … Read more

Semidefinite Approximations for Global Unconstrained Polynomial Optimization

We consider here the problem of minimizing a polynomial function on $\oR^n$. The problem is known to be hard even for degree $4$. Therefore approximation algorithms are of interest. Lasserre \cite{lasserre:2001} and Parrilo \cite{Pa02a} have proposed approximating the minimum of the original problem using a hierarchy of lower bounds obtained via semidefinite programming relaxations. We … Read more