A Stochastic Benders Decomposition Scheme for Large-Scale Stochastic Network Design

Network design problems involve constructing edges in a transportation or supply chain network to minimize construction and daily operational costs. We study a stochastic version where operational costs are uncertain due to fluctuating demand and estimated as a sample average from historical data. This problem is computationally challenging, and instances with as few as  100 … Read more

Political districting to minimize county splits

When partitioning a state into political districts, a common criterion is that political subdivisions like counties should not be split across multiple districts. This criterion is encoded into most state constitutions and is sometimes enforced quite strictly by the courts. However, map drawers, courts, and the public typically do not know what amount of splitting … Read more

Solving Unsplittable Network Flow Problems with Decision Diagrams

In unsplittable network flow problems, certain nodes must satisfy a combinatorial requirement that the incoming arc flows cannot be split or merged when routed through outgoing arcs. This so-called “no-split no-merge” requirement arises in unit train scheduling where train consists should remain intact at stations that lack necessary equipment and manpower to attach/detach them. Solving … Read more

Scalable heuristic algorithm for identifying critical nodes in networks

This paper presents two heuristic algorithms for the distance-based critical node problem (DCNP) that finds k nodes whose removal minimizes the pairwise connection within D hops in the remaining network. The structural properties of the complex networks have not yet been extensively addressed in the literature. Specifically, the community structure of complex networks needs to … Read more

The Travelling Salesman Problem with positional consistency constraints: an application to healthcare services

In this paper we study the Consistent Traveling Salesman Problem with positional consistency constraints (CTSP), where we seek to generate a set of routes with minimum cost, in which all the clients that are visited in several routes require total positional consistency, that is, they need to appear in the same relative position in all … Read more

A Consensus-Based Alternating Direction Method for Mixed-Integer and PDE-Constrained Gas Transport Problems

We consider dynamic gas transport optimization problems, which lead to large-scale and nonconvex mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems (MINLPs) on graphs. Usually, the resulting instances are too challenging to be solved by state-of-the-art MINLP solvers. In this paper, we use graph decompositions to obtain multiple optimization problems on smaller blocks, which can be solved in parallel … Read more

An Exact Method for Nonlinear Network Flow Interdiction Problems

We study network flow interdiction problems with nonlinear and nonconvex flow models. The resulting model is a max-min bilevel optimization problem in which the follower’s problem is nonlinear and nonconvex. In this game, the leader attacks a limited number of arcs with the goal to maximize the load shed and the follower aims at minimizing … Read more

Water Finds its Level: A Localized Method for Multicommodity Flow Problem

This paper describes a local-control method for multicommodity flow problem. Both the capacity constraints and the flow conservation constraints are relaxed. If the flow exceeds the capacity on an edge, the edge would have a congestion cost. If the flow into a vertex is not equal to that out of the vertex, the vertex would … Read more

On the first order optimization methods in Deep Image Prior

Deep learning methods have state-of-the-art performances in many image restoration tasks. Their effectiveness is mostly related to the size of the dataset used for the training. Deep Image Prior (DIP) is an energy function framework which eliminates the dependency on the training set, by considering the structure of a neural network as an handcrafted prior … Read more

Linear-size formulations for connected planar graph partitioning and political districting

Motivated by applications in political districting, we consider the task of partitioning the n vertices of a planar graph into k connected components. We propose an extended formulation that has two desirable properties: (i) it uses just O(n) variables, constraints, and nonzeros, and (ii) it is perfect. To explore its ability to solve real-world problems, … Read more