Low-complexity method for hybrid MPC with local guarantees

Model predictive control problems for constrained hybrid systems are usually cast as mixed-integer optimization problems (MIP). However, commercial MIP solvers are designed to run on desktop computing platforms and are not suited for embedded applications which are typically restricted by limited computational power and memory. To alleviate these restrictions, we develop a novel low-complexity, iterative … Read more

Convergence rates of moment-sum-of-squares hierarchies for optimal control problems

We study the convergence rate of moment-sum-of-squares hierarchies of semidefinite programs for optimal control problems with polynomial data. It is known that these hierarchies generate polynomial under-approximations to the value function of the optimal control problem and that these under-approximations converge in the $L^1$ norm to the value function as their degree $d$ tends to … Read more

A Riemannian conjugate gradient method for optimization on the Stiefel manifold

In this paper we propose a new Riemannian conjugate gradient method for optimization on the Stiefel manifold. We introduce two novel vector transports associated with the retraction constructed by the Cayley transform. Both of them satisfy the Ring-Wirth nonexpansive condition, which is fundamental for convergence analysis of Riemannian conjugate gradient methods, and one of them … Read more

A Study of the Difference-of-Convex Approach for Solving Linear Programs with Complementarity Constraints

This paper studies the difference-of-convex (DC) penalty formulations and the associated difference-of-convex algorithm (DCA) for computing stationary solutions of linear programs with complementarity constraints (LPCCs). We focus on three such formulations and establish connections between their stationary solutions and those of the LPCC. Improvements of the DCA are proposed to remedy some drawbacks in a … Read more

A Sequential Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Optimization Problems with Chance Constraints

An algorithm is presented for solving nonlinear optimization problems with chance constraints, i.e., those in which a constraint involving an uncertain parameter must be satisfied with at least a minimum probability. In particular, the algorithm is designed to solve cardinality-constrained nonlinear optimization problems that arise in sample average approximations of chance-constrained problems, as well as … Read more

New analysis of linear convergence of gradient-type methods via unifying error bound conditions

The subject of linear convergence of gradient-type methods on non-strongly convex optimization has been widely studied by introducing several notions as sufficient conditions. Influential examples include the error bound property, the restricted strongly convex property, the quadratic growth property, and the Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz property. In this paper, we first define a group of error bound conditions … Read more

Approximate norm descent methods for constrained nonlinear systems

We address the solution of convex-constrained nonlinear systems of equations where the Jacobian matrix is unavailable or its computation/storage is burdensome. In order to efficiently solve such problems, we propose a new class of algorithms which are “derivative-free” both in the computation of the search direction and in the selection of the steplength. Search directions … Read more

Second-order optimality and beyond: characterization and evaluation complexity in convexly-constrained nonlinear optimization

High-order optimality conditions for convexly-constrained nonlinear optimization problems are analyzed. A corresponding (expensive) measure of criticality for arbitrary order is proposed and extended to define high-order $\epsilon$-approximate critical points. This new measure is then used within a conceptual trust-region algorithm to show that, if derivatives of the objective function up to order $q \geq 1$ … Read more

Low-Rank Matrix Completion using Nuclear Norm with Facial Reduction

Minimization of the nuclear norm is often used as a surrogate, convex relaxation, for finding the minimum rank completion (recovery) of a partial matrix. The minimum nuclear norm problem can be solved as a trace minimization semidefinite programming problem (\SDP). The \SDP and its dual are regular in the sense that they both satisfy strict … Read more

On a Practical Notion of Geoffrion Proper Optimality in Multicriteria Optimization

Geoffrion proper optimality is a widely used optimality notion in multicriteria optimization that prevents exact solutions having unbounded trade-offs. As algorithms for multicriteria optimization usually give only approximate solutions, we analyze the notion of approximate Geoffrion proper optimality. We show that in the limit, approximate Geoffrion proper optimality may converge to solutions having unbounded trade-offs. … Read more