RBFOpt: an open-source library for black-box optimization with costly function evaluations

We consider the problem of optimizing an unknown function given as an oracle over a mixed-integer box-constrained set. We assume that the oracle is expensive to evaluate, so that estimating partial derivatives by finite differences is impractical. In the literature, this is typically called a black-box optimization problem with costly evaluation. This paper describes the … Read more

On the worst case performance of the steepest descent algorithm for quadratic functions

\begin{abstract} The existing choices for the step lengths used by the classical steepest descent algorithm for minimizing a convex quadratic function require in the worst case $ \Or(C\log(1/\eps)) $ iterations to achieve a precision $ \eps $, where $ C $ is the Hessian condition number. We show how to construct a sequence of step … Read more

Normally admissible stratifications and calculation of normal cones to a finite union of polyhedral sets

This paper considers computation of Fr\’echet and limiting normal cones to a finite union of polyhedra. To this aim, we introduce a new concept of normally admissible stratification which is convenient for calculations of such cones and provide its basic properties. We further derive formulas for the above mentioned cones and compare our approach to … Read more

On fast trust region methods for quadratic models with linear constraints

Quadratic models Q_k(.) of the objective function F(.) are used by many successful iterative algorithms for minimization, where k is the iteration number. Given the vector of variables x_k, a new vector x_{k+1} may be calculated that satisfies Q_k(x_{k+1}) < Q_k(x_k), in the hope that it provides the reduction F(x_{k+1}) < F(x_k). Trust region methods ... Read more

On a new class of matrix support functionals with applications

A new class of matrix support functionals is presented which establish a connection between optimal value functions for quadratic optimization problems, the matrix-fractional function, the pseudo matrix-fractional function, and the nuclear norm. The support function is based on the graph of the product of a matrix with its transpose. Closed form expressions for the support … Read more

How the augmented Lagrangian algorithm can deal with an infeasible convex quadratic optimization problem

This paper analyses the behavior of the augmented Lagrangian algorithm when it deals with an infeasible convex quadratic optimization problem. It is shown that the algorithm finds a point that, on the one hand, satisfies the constraints shifted by the smallest possible shift that makes them feasible and, on the other hand, minimizes the objective … Read more

A Feasible Direction Algorithm for Nonlinear Second-Order Cone Optimization Problems

In this work we present a new feasible direction algorithm for solving smooth nonlinear second-order cone programs. These problems consist of minimizing a nonlinear di erentiable objective function subject to some nonlinear second-order cone constraints. Given a point interior to the feasible set de nfined by the nonlinear constraints, the proposed approach computes a feasible and descent … Read more

Adaptive Augmented Lagrangian Methods: Algorithms and Practical Numerical Experience

In this paper, we consider augmented Lagrangian (AL) algorithms for solving large-scale nonlinear optimization problems that execute adaptive strategies for updating the penalty parameter. Our work is motivated by the recently proposed adaptive AL trust region method by Curtis et al. [An adaptive augmented Lagrangian method for large-scale constrained optimization, Math. Program. 152 (2015), pp.201–245.]. … Read more

Quadratic regularization projected alternating Barzilai–Borwein method for constrained optimization

In this paper, based on the regularization techniques and projected gradient strategies, we present a quadratic regularization projected alternating Barzilai–Borwein (QRPABB) method for minimizing differentiable functions on closed convex sets. We show the convergence of the QRPABB method to a constrained stationary point for a nonmonotone line search. When the objective function is convex, we … Read more

Preconditioning of Active-Set Newton Methods for PDE-constrained Optimal Control Problems

We address the problem of preconditioning a sequence of saddle point linear systems arising in the solution of PDE-constrained optimal control problems via active-set Newton methods, with control and (regularized) state constraints. We present two new preconditioners based on a full block matrix factorization of the Schur complement of the Jacobian matrices, where the active-set … Read more