Steepest descent method for quasiconvex minimization on Riemannian manifolds

This paper extends the full convergence of the steepest descent algorithm with a generalized Armijo search and a proximal regularization to solve quasiconvex minimization problems defined on complete Riemannian manifolds. Previous convergence results are obtained as particular cases of our approach and some examples in non Euclidian spaces are given. Citation J. Math. Anal. Appl. … Read more

Coordinate and Subspace Optimization Methods for Linear Least Squares with Non-Quadratic Regularization

This work addresses the problem of regularized linear least squares (RLS) with non-quadratic separable regularization. Despite being frequently deployed in many applications, the RLS problem is often hard to solve using standard iterative methods. In a recent work [10], a new iterative method called Parallel Coordinate Descent (PCD) was devised. We provide herein a convergence … Read more

Using Partial Separability of Functions in Generating Set Search Methods for Unconstrained Optimisation

Generating set Search Methods (GSS), a class of derivative-free methods for unconstrained optimisation, are in general robust but converge slowly. It has been shown that the performance of these methods can be enhanced by utilising accumulated information about the objective function as well as a priori knowledge such as partial separability. This paper introduces a … Read more

Optimization of univariate functions on bounded intervals by interpolation and semidefinite programming

We consider the problem of minimizing a univariate, real-valued function f on an interval [a,b]. When f is a polynomial, we review how this problem may be reformulated as a semidefinite programming (SDP) problem, and review how to extract all global minimizers from the solution of the SDP problem. For general f, we approximate the … Read more

Primal-dual interior point methods for PDE-constrained optimization

This paper provides a detailed analysis of a primal-dual interior-point method for PDE-constrained optimization. Considered are optimal control problems with control constraints in $L^p$. It is shown that the developed primal-dual interior-point method converges globally and locally superlinearly. Not only the easier $L^\infty$-setting is analyzed, but also a more involved $L^q$-analysis, $q

A Proximal Method for Identifying Active Manifolds

The minimization of an objective function over a constraint set can often be simplified if the “active manifold” of the constraints set can be correctly identified. In this work we present a simple subproblem, which can be used inside of any (convergent) optimization algorithm, that will identify the active manifold of a “prox-regular partly smooth” … Read more

Cubic regularization of Newton’s method for convex problems with constraints

In this paper we derive the efficiency estimates of the regularized Newton’s method as applied to constrained convex minimization problems and to variational inequalities. We study a one-step Newton’s method and its multistep accelerated version, which converges on smooth convex problems as $O({1 \over k^3})$, where $k$ is the iteration counter. We derive also the … Read more

A unified approach for inversion problems in intensity-modulated radiation therapy

We propose and study a unified model for handling dose constraints (physical dose, equivalent uniform dose (EUD), etc.) and radiation source constraints in a single mathematical framework based on the split feasibility problem. The model does not impose on the constraints an exogenous objective (merit) function. The optimization algorithm minimizes a weighted proximity function that … Read more

A Particle Swarm Pattern Search Method for Bound Constrained Nonlinear Optimization

In this paper we develop, analyze, and test a new algorithm for the global minimization of a function subject to simple bounds without the use of derivatives. The underlying algorithm is a pattern search method, more specifically a coordinate search method, which guarantees convergence to stationary points from arbitrary starting points. In the optional search … Read more

A local convergence property of primal-dual methods for nonlinear programming

We prove a new local convergence property of a primal-dual method for solving nonlinear optimization problem. Following a standard interior point approach, the complementarity conditions of the original primal-dual system are perturbed by a parameter which is driven to zero during the iterations. The sequence of iterates is generated by a linearization of the perturbed … Read more