On the Linear Convergence to Weak/Standard D-stationary Points of DCA-based Algorithms for Structured Nonsmooth DC Programming

We consider a class of structured nonsmooth difference-of-convex minimization. We allow nonsmoothness in both the convex and concave components in the objective function, with a finite max structure in the concave part. Our focus is on algorithms that compute a (weak or standard) d(irectional)-stationary point as advocated in a recent work of Pang et al. … Read more

EFIX: Exact Fixed Point Methods for Distributed Optimization

We consider strongly convex distributed consensus optimization over connected networks. EFIX, the proposed method, is derived using quadratic penalty approach. In more detail, we use the standard reformulation – transforming the original problem into a constrained problem in a higher dimensional space – to define a sequence of suitable quadratic penalty subproblems with increasing penalty … Read more

Multipliers Correction Methods for Optimization Problems over the Stiefel Manifold

We propose a class of multipliers correction methods to minimize a differentiable function over the Stiefel manifold. The proposed methods combine a function value reduction step with a proximal correction step. The former one searches along an arbitrary descent direction in the Euclidean space instead of a vector in the tangent space of the Stiefel … Read more

Time-Domain Decomposition for Optimal Control Problems Governed by Semilinear Hyperbolic Systems

In this article, we extend the time-domain decomposition method described by Lagnese and Leugering (2003) to semilinear optimal control problems for hyperbolic balance laws with spatio-temporal varying coefficients. We provide the design of the iterative method applied to the global first-order optimality system, prove its convergence, and derive an a posteriori error estimate. The analysis … Read more

Homogeneous polynomials and spurious local minima on the unit sphere

We consider forms on the Euclidean unit sphere. We obtain obtain a simple and complete characterization of all points that satisfies the standard second-order necessary condition of optimality. It is stated solely in terms of the value of (i) f, (ii) the norm of its gradient, and (iii) the first two smallest eigenvalues of its … Read more

Finding the Sequence of Largest Small n-Polygons by Numerical Optimization

LSP(n), the largest small polygon with n vertices, is the polygon of unit diameter that has maximal area A(n). It is known that for all odd values n≥3, LSP(n) is the regular n-polygon; however, this statement is not valid for even values of n. Finding the polygon LSP(n) and A(n) for even values n≥6 has … Read more

A Geometric View of SDP Exactness in QCQPs and its Applications

Let S denote a subset of Rn defined by quadratic equality and inequality constraints and let S denote its projected semidefinite program (SDP) relaxation. For example, take S and S to be the epigraph of a quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) and the projected epigraph of its SDP relaxation respectively. In this paper, we suggest … Read more

Complexity, Exactness, and Rationality in Polynomial Optimization

We study representation of solutions and certificates to quadratic and cubic optimization problems. Specifically, we focus on minimizing a cubic function over a polyhedron and also minimizing a linear function over quadratic constraints. We show when there exist rational feasible solutions (and if we can detect them) and when we can prove feasibility of sublevel … Read more

Constrained stochastic blackbox optimization using a progressive barrier and probabilistic estimates

This work introduces the StoMADS-PB algorithm for constrained stochastic blackbox optimization, which is an extension of the mesh adaptive direct-search (MADS) method originally developed for deterministic blackbox optimization under general constraints. The values of the objective and constraint functions are provided by a noisy blackbox, i.e., they can only be computed with random noise whose … Read more

Exterior-point Optimization for Nonconvex Learning

In this paper we present the nonconvex exterior-point optimization solver (NExOS)—a novel first-order algorithm tailored to constrained nonconvex learning problems. We consider the problem of minimizing a convex function over nonconvex constraints, where the projection onto the constraint set is single-valued around local minima. A wide range of nonconvex learning problems have this structure including … Read more