Parallelizing the dual revised simplex method

This paper introduces the design and implementation of two parallel dual simplex solvers for general large scale sparse linear programming problems. One approach, called PAMI, extends a relatively unknown pivoting strategy called suboptimization and exploits parallelism across multiple iterations. The other, called SIP, exploits purely single iteration parallelism by overlapping computational components when possible. Computational … Read more

Separation of Generic Cutting Planes in Branch-and-Price Using a Basis

Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation of a mixed integer program partially convexifies a subset of the constraints, i.e., it implicitly adds all valid inequalities for the associated integer hull. Projecting an optimal basic solution of the reformulation’s LP relaxation to the original space does is in general not yield a basic solution of the original LP relaxation. Cutting … Read more

On the Performance of SQP Methods for Nonlinear Optimization

This paper concerns some practical issues associated with the formulation of sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods for large-scale nonlinear optimization. SQP methods find an approximate solution of a sequence of quadratic programming (QP) subproblems in which a quadratic model of the objective function is minimized subject to the linearized constraints. Extensive numerical results are given … Read more

Object-Parallel Infrastructure for Implementing First-Order Methods, with an Example Application to LASSO

We describe the design of a C++ vector-manipulation substrate that allows first-order optimization algorithms to be expressed in a concise and readable manner, yet still achieve high performance in parallel computing environments. We use standard object-oriented techniques of encapsulation and operator overloading, combined with a novel “symbolic temporaries” delayed-evaluation system that greatly reduces the overhead … Read more

Coordinate descent algorithms

Coordinate descent algorithms solve optimization problems by successively performing approximate minimization along coordinate directions or coordinate hyperplanes. They have been used in applications for many years, and their popularity continues to grow because of their usefulness in data analysis, machine learning, and other areas of current interest. This paper describes the fundamentals of the coordinate … Read more

PSMG-A Parallel Structured Model Generator for Mathematical Programming

In this paper, we present PSMG–Parallel Structured Model Generator–an efficient parallel implementation of a model generator for the structure conveying modelling language (SML[4]). Unlike the earlier proof-of-concept implementation presented with SML, PSMG does not depend on AMPL. The main purposes of PSMG are: to provide an easy to use framework for modelling and generating large … Read more

Interior-point solver for convex separable block-angular problems

Constraints matrices with block-angular structures are pervasive in Optimization. Interior-point methods have shown to be competitive for these structured problems by exploiting the linear algebra. One of these approaches solved the normal equations using sparse Cholesky factorizations for the block constraints, and a preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) for the linking constraints. The preconditioner is based … Read more

A Parallel Line Search Subspace Correction Method for Composite Convex Optimization

In this paper, we investigate a parallel subspace correction framework for composite convex optimization. The variables are first divided into a few blocks based on certain rules. At each iteration, the algorithms solve a suitable subproblem on each block simultaneously, construct a search direction by combining their solutions on all blocks, then identify a new … Read more

Scenario-Tree Decomposition: Bounds for Multistage Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programs

Multistage stochastic mixed-integer programming is a powerful modeling paradigm appropriate for many problems involving a sequence of discrete decisions under uncertainty; however, they are difficult to solve without exploiting special structures. We present scenario-tree decomposition to establish bounds for unstructured multistage stochastic mixed-integer programs. Our method decomposes the scenario tree into a number of smaller … Read more

RBFOpt: an open-source library for black-box optimization with costly function evaluations

We consider the problem of optimizing an unknown function given as an oracle over a mixed-integer box-constrained set. We assume that the oracle is expensive to evaluate, so that estimating partial derivatives by finite differences is impractical. In the literature, this is typically called a black-box optimization problem with costly evaluation. This paper describes the … Read more