Multi-Stage Selection under Bounded Variation

We investigate a multi-stage version of the selection problem where the variation between solutions in consecutive stages is either penalized in the objective function or bounded by hard constraints. While the former problem turns out to be tractable, the complexity of the latter problem depends on the type of bounds imposed: When bounding the number … Read more

On liftings that improve convergence properties of Newton’s Method for Boundary Value Optimization Problems

The representation of a function in a higher-dimensional space is often referred to as lifting. Liftings can be used to reduce complexity. We are interested in the question of how liftings affect the local convergence of Newton’s method. We propose algorithms to construct liftings that potentially reduce the number of iterations via analysis of local … Read more

Reduction from the partition problem: Dynamic lot sizing problem with polynomial complexity

In this note, we polynomially reduce an instance of the partition problem to a dynamic lot sizing problem, and show that solving the latter problem solves the former problem.  By solving the dynamic programming formulation of the dynamic lot sizing problem, we show that the instance of the partition problem can be solved with pseudo-polynomial … Read more

Guaranteed bounds for optimal stopping problems using kernel-based non-asymptotic uniform confidence bands

In this paper, we introduce an approach for obtaining probabilistically guaranteed upper and lower bounds on the true optimal value of stopping problems. Bounds of existing simulation-and-regression approaches, such as those based on least squares Monte Carlo and information relaxation, are stochastic in nature and therefore do not come with a finite sample guarantee. Our … Read more

Column Elimination: An Iterative Approach to Solving Integer Programs

We present column elimination as a general framework for solving (large-scale) integer programming problems. In this framework, solutions are represented compactly as paths in a directed acyclic graph. Column elimination starts with a relaxed representation, that may contain infeasible paths, and solves a constrained network flow over the graph to find a solution. It then … Read more

An Introduction to Decision Diagrams for Optimization

This tutorial provides an introduction to the use of decision diagrams for solving discrete optimization problems. A decision diagram is a graphical representation of the solution space, representing decisions sequentially as paths from a root node to a target node. By merging isomorphic subgraphs (or equivalent subproblems), decision diagrams can compactly represent an exponential solution … Read more

Interdiction of minimum spanning trees and other matroid bases

In the minimum spanning tree (MST) interdiction problem, we are given a graph \(G=(V,E)\) with edge weights, and want to find some \(X\subseteq E\) satisfying a knapsack constraint such that the MST weight in \((V,E\setminus X)\) is maximized. Since MSTs of \(G\) are the minimum weight bases in the graphic matroid of \(G\), this problem … Read more

A Parametric Approach for Solving Convex Quadratic Optimization with Indicators Over Trees

This paper investigates convex quadratic optimization problems involving $n$ indicator variables, each associated with a continuous variable, particularly focusing on scenarios where the matrix $Q$ defining the quadratic term is positive definite and its sparsity pattern corresponds to the adjacency matrix of a tree graph. We introduce a graph-based dynamic programming algorithm that solves this … Read more

On the Out-of-Sample Performance of Stochastic Dynamic Programming and Model Predictive Control

Sample average approximation-based stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) and model predictive control (MPC) are two different methods for approaching multistage stochastic optimization. In this paper we investigate the conditions under which SDP may be outperformed by MPC. We show that, depending on the presence of concavity or convexity, MPC can be interpreted as solving a mean-constrained … Read more