Dido’s Problem and Pareto Optimality

Under study is the new class of geometrical extremal problems in which it is required to achieve the best result in the presence of conflicting goals; e.g., given the surface area of a convex body~$\mathfrak x$, we try to maximize the volume of~$\mathfrak x$ and minimize the width of~$\mathfrak x$ simultaneously. These problems are addressed … Read more

Asymptotic expansions for interior penalty solutions of control constrained linear-quadratic problems

We consider a quadratic optimal control problem governed by a nonautonomous affine differential equation subject to nonnegativity control constraints. For a general class of interior penalty functions, we show how to compute the principal term of the pointwise expansion of the state and the adjoint state. Our main argument relies on the following fact: If … Read more

Decomposition of large-scale stochastic optimal control problems

In this paper, we present an Uzawa-based heuristic that is adapted to some type of stochastic optimal control problems. More precisely, we consider dynamical systems that can be divided into small-scale independent subsystems, though linked through a static almost sure coupling constraint at each time step. This type of problem is common in production/portfolio management … Read more

Risk averse feasible policies for large-scale multistage stochastic linear programs

We consider risk-averse formulations of stochastic linear programs having a structure that is common in real-life applications. Specifically, the optimization problem corresponds to controlling over a certain horizon a system whose dynamics is given by a transition equation depending affinely on an interstage dependent stochastic process. We put in place a rolling-horizon time consistent policy. … Read more

Self-correcting geometry in model-based algorithms for derivative-free unconstrained optimization

Several efficient methods for derivative-free optimization (DFO) are based on the construction and maintenance of an interpolation model for the objective function. Most of these algorithms use special “geometry-improving” iterations, where the geometry (poisedness) of the underlying interpolation set is made better at the cost of one or more function evaluations. We show that such … Read more

A Logarithmic-Quadratic Proximal Point Scalarization Method for Multiobjective Programming

We present a proximal point method to solve multiobjective problems based on the scalarization for maps. We build a family of a convex scalar strict representation of a convex map F with respect to the lexicographic order on Rm and we add a variant of the logarithmquadratic regularization of Auslender, where the unconstrained variables in … Read more

Optimality conditions for several type of efficient solutions of set-valued optimization problems

A simple unified framework is presented for the study of strong efficient solutions, weak efficient solutions, positive proper efficient solutions, Henig global proper efficient solutions, Henig proper efficient solutions, super efficient solutions, Benson proper efficient solutions, Hartley proper efficient solutions, Hurwicz proper efficient solutions and Borwein proper efficient solutions of set-valued optimization problem with/or without … Read more

Solving multi-objective network flow problems with an interior point method

In this paper we present a primal-dual interior-point algorithm to solve a class of multi-objective network flow problems. More precisely, our algorithm is an extension of the single-objective primal-dual infeasible and inexact interior point method for multi-objective linear network flow problems. A comparison with standard interior point methods is provided and experimental results on bi-objective … Read more


In this paper we consider, for the first time, approximate Henig proper minimizers and approximate super minimizers of a set-valued map F with values in a partially ordered vector space and formulate two versions of the Ekeland variational principle for these points involving coderivatives in the senses of Ioffe, Clarke and Mordukhovich. As applications we … Read more

Optimal Geometric Partitions, Covers and K-Centers

In this paper we present some new, practical, geometric optimization techniques for computing polygon partitions, 1D and 2D point, interval, square and rectangle covers, as well as 1D and 2D interval and rectangle K-centers. All the techniques we present have immediate applications to several cost optimization and facility location problems which are quite common in … Read more