Closed-form solutions for worst-case law invariant risk measures with application to robust portfolio optimization

Worst-case risk measures refer to the calculation of the largest value for risk measures when only partial information of the underlying distribution is available. For the popular risk measures such as Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), it is now known that their worst-case counterparts can be evaluated in closed form when only the first … Read more

Stochastic and robust optimal operation of energy-efficient building with combined heat and power systems

Energy efficiency and renewable energy become more attractive in smart grid. In order to efficiently reduce global energy usage in building energy systems and to improve local environmental sustainability, it is essential to optimize the operation and the performance of combined heat and power (CHP) systems. In addition, intermittent renewable energy and imprecisely predicted customer … Read more

Distributionally Robust Optimization with Infinitely Constrained Ambiguity Sets

We consider a distributionally robust optimization problem where the ambiguity set of probability distributions is characterized by a tractable conic representable support set and expectation constraints. Specifically, we propose and motivate a new class of infinitely constrained ambiguity sets in which the number of expectation constraints could potentially be infinite. We show how the infinitely … Read more

Designing Response Supply Chain Against Bioattacks

Bioattacks, i.e., the intentional release of pathogens or biotoxins against humans to cause serious illness and death, pose a significant threat to public health and safety due to the availability of pathogens worldwide, scale of impact, and short treatment time window. In this paper, we focus on the problem of prepositioning inventory of medical countermeasures … Read more

Improved Handling of Uncertainty and Robustness in Set Covering Problems

This paper studies the emergency service facility location problem in an uncertain environment. The main focus is the integration of uncertainty regarding the covered area due to uncertain traveling times. Previous approaches only consider either probabilistic or fuzzy optimization to cope with uncertainty. However, in many real-world problems the required statistical parameters are not precisely … Read more

Dice-sion Making under Uncertainty: When Can a Random Decision Reduce Risk?

Stochastic programming and distributionally robust optimization seek deterministic decisions that optimize a risk measure, possibly in view of the most adverse distribution in an ambiguity set. We investigate under which circumstances such deterministic decisions are strictly outperformed by random decisions which depend on a randomization device producing uniformly distributed samples that are independent of all … Read more

Adjustable Robust Optimization via Fourier-Motzkin Elimination

We demonstrate how adjustable robust optimization (ARO) problems with fixed recourse can be casted as static robust optimization problems via Fourier-Motzkin elimination (FME). Through the lens of FME, we characterize the structures of the optimal decision rules for a broader class of ARO problems. A scheme based on a blending of classical FME and a … Read more

A Tractable Approach for designing Piecewise Affine Policies in Two-stage Adjustable Robust Optimization

We consider the problem of designing piecewise affine policies for two-stage adjustable robust linear optimization problems under right-hand side uncertainty. It is well known that a piecewise affine policy is optimal although the number of pieces can be exponentially large. A significant challenge in designing a practical piecewise affine policy is constructing good pieces of … Read more

Online First-Order Framework for Robust Convex Optimization

Robust optimization (RO) has emerged as one of the leading paradigms to efficiently model parameter uncertainty. The recent connections between RO and problems in statistics and machine learning domains demand for solving RO problems in ever more larger scale. However, the traditional approaches for solving RO formulations based on building and solving robust counterparts or … Read more

Frechet inequalities via convex optimization

Quantifying the risk carried by an aggregate position $S_d\defn\sum_{i=1}^d X_i$ comprising many risk factors $X_i$ is fundamental to both insurance and financial risk management. Frechet inequalities quantify the worst-case risk carried by the aggregate position given distributional information concerning its composing factors but without assuming independence. This marginal factor modeling of the aggregate position in … Read more