An inexact successive quadratic approximation method for a class of difference-of-convex optimization problems

In this paper, we propose a new method for a class of difference-of-convex (DC) optimization problems, whose objective is the sum of a smooth function and a possibly non-prox-friendly DC function. The method sequentially solves subproblems constructed from a quadratic approximation of the smooth function and a linear majorization of the concave part of the … Read more

Decomposition Methods for Global Solutions of Mixed-Integer Linear Programs

This paper introduces two decomposition-based methods for two-block mixed-integer linear programs (MILPs), which aim to take advantage of separable structures of the original problem by solving a sequence of lower-dimensional MILPs. The first method is based on the $\ell_1$-augmented Lagrangian method (ALM), and the second one is based on a modified alternating direction method of … Read more

Scalable Subspace Methods for Derivative-Free Nonlinear Least-Squares Optimization

We introduce a general framework for large-scale model-based derivative-free optimization based on iterative minimization within random subspaces. We present a probabilistic worst-case complexity analysis for our method, where in particular we prove high-probability bounds on the number of iterations before a given optimality is achieved. This framework is specialized to nonlinear least-squares problems, with a … Read more

How do exponential size solutions arise in semidefinite programming?

Semidefinite programs (SDPs) are some of the most popular and broadly applicable optimization problems to emerge in the last thirty years. A curious pathology of SDPs, illustrated by a classical example of Khachiyan, is that their solutions may need exponential space to even write down. Exponential size solutions are the main obstacle to solve a … Read more

Robust Optimization in Nanoparticle Technology: A Proof of Principle by Quantum Dot Growth in a Residence Time Reactor

Knowledge-based determination of the best-possible experimental setups for nanoparticle design is highly challenging. Additionally, such processes are accompanied by noticeable uncertainties. Therefore, protection against these uncertainties is needed. Robust optimization helps determining such best possible processes. The latter guarantees quality requirements regardless of how the uncertainties, e.g. with regard to variations in raw materials, heat … Read more

Optimal Hospital Care Scheduling During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen dramatic demand surges for hospital care that have placed a severe strain on health systems worldwide. As a result, policy makers are faced with the challenge of managing scarce hospital capacity so as to reduce the backlog of non-COVID patients whilst maintaining the ability to respond to any potential future … Read more

An Adaptive and Near Parameter-free BRKGA Using Q-Learning Method

The Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm (BRKGA) is an efficient metaheuristic to solve combinatorial optimization problems but requires parameter tuning so the intensification and diversification of the algorithm work in a balanced way. There is, however, not only one optimal parameter configuration, and the best configuration may differ according to the stages of the evolutionary process. … Read more

Cutting Plane Generation Through Sparse Principal Component Analysis

Quadratically-constrained quadratic programs (QCQPs) are optimization models whose remarkable expressiveness has made them a cornerstone of methodological research for nonconvex optimization problems. However, modern methods to solve a general QCQP fail to scale, encountering computational challenges even with just a few hundred variables. Specifically, a semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation is typically employed, which provides strong … Read more

Recent Advances in Nonconvex Semi-infinite Programming: Applications and Algorithms

The goal of this literature review is to give an update on the recent developments for semi-infinite programs (SIPs), approximately over the last 20 years. An overview of the different solution approaches and the existing algorithms is given. We focus on deterministic algorithms for SIPs which do not make any convexity assumptions. In particular, we … Read more

Edge Minimizing the Student Conflict Graph

In many schools, courses are given in sections. Prior to timetabling students need to be assigned to individual sections. We give a hybrid approximation sectioning algorithm that minimizes the number of edges (potential conflicts) in the student conflict graph (SCG). We start with a greedy algorithm to obtain a starting solution and then continue with … Read more