A partial outer convexification approach to control transmission lines

In this paper we derive an efficient optimization approach to calculate optimal controls of electric transmission lines. These controls consist of time-dependent inflows and switches that temporarily disable single arcs or whole subgrids to reallocate the flow inside the system. The aim is then to find the best energy input in terms of boundary controls … Read more

Approximation algorithms for the covering-type k-violation linear program

We study the covering-type k-violation linear program where at most $k$ of the constraints can be violated. This problem is formulated as a mixed integer program and known to be strongly NP-hard. In this paper, we present a simple (k+1)-approximation algorithm using a natural LP relaxation. We also show that the integrality gap of the … Read more

Probabilistic Variational Formulation of Binary Programming

A probabilistic framework for large classes of binary integer programming problems is constructed. The approach is given by a mean field annealing scheme where the annealing phase is substituted by the solution of a dual problem that gives a lower (upper) bound for the original minimization (maximization) integer task. This bound has an information theoretic … Read more

Generalized Dual Dynamic Programming for Infinite Horizon Problems in Continuous State and Action Spaces

We describe a nonlinear generalization of dual dynamic programming theory and its application to value function estimation for deterministic control problems over continuous state and action (or input) spaces, in a discrete-time infinite horizon setting. We prove that the result of a one-stage policy evaluation can be used to produce nonlinear lower bounds on the … Read more

The Inmate Assignment and Scheduling Problem and its Application in the PA Department of Correction

The inmate assignment project, in close collaboration with the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PADoC), took five years from start to successful implementation. In this project, we developed the Inmate Assignment Decision Support System (IADSS), where the primary goal is simultaneous and system-wide optimal assignment of inmates to correctional institutions (CIs). We develop a novel hier- … Read more

On Pathological Disjunctions and Redundant Disjunctive Conic Cuts

The development of Disjunctive Conic Cuts (DCCs) for Mixed Integer Second Order Cone Optimization (MISOCO) problems has recently gained significant interest in the optimization community. In this paper, we explore the pathological disjunctions where disjunctive cuts do not tighten the description of the feasible set. We focus on the identification of cases when the generated … Read more

Pareto efficient solutions in multi-objective optimization involving forbidden regions

In this paper, the aim is to compute Pareto efficient solutions of multi-objective optimization problems involving forbidden regions. More precisely, we assume that the vector-valued objective function is componentwise generalized-convex and acts between a real topological linear pre-image space and a finite-dimensional image space, while the feasible set is given by the whole pre-image space … Read more

Adaptive Sampling Strategies for Stochastic Optimization

In this paper, we propose a stochastic optimization method that adaptively controls the sample size used in the computation of gradient approximations. Unlike other variance reduction techniques that either require additional storage or the regular computation of full gradients, the proposed method reduces variance by increasing the sample size as needed. The decision to increase … Read more

A derivative-free Gauss-Newton method

We present DFO-GN, a derivative-free version of the Gauss-Newton method for solving nonlinear least-squares problems. As is common in derivative-free optimization, DFO-GN uses interpolation of function values to build a model of the objective, which is then used within a trust-region framework to give a globally-convergent algorithm requiring $O(\epsilon^{-2})$ iterations to reach approximate first-order criticality … Read more

Orbitopal fixing for the full (sub-)orbitope and application to the Unit Commitment Problem

It is common knowledge that symmetries arising in integer programs could impair the solution process, in particular when symmetric solutions lead to an excessively large branch and bound (B&B) search tree. Techniques like isomorphic pruning [11], orbital branching [16] and orbitopal fixing [8] have been shown to be essential to solve very symmetric instances from … Read more