Four good reasons to use an Interior Point solver within a MIP solver

“Interior point algorithms are a good choice for solving pure LPs or QPs, but when you solve MIPs, all you need is a dual simplex.” This is the common conception which disregards that an interior point solution provides some unique structural insight into the problem at hand. In this paper, we will discuss some of … Read more

A Decomposition Method for MINLPs with Lipschitz Continuous Nonlinearities

Many mixed-integer optimization problems are constrained by nonlinear functions that do not possess desirable analytical properties like convexity or factorability or cannot even be evaluated exactly. This is, e.g., the case for problems constrained by differential equations or for models that rely on black-box simulation runs. For these problem classes, we present, analyze, and test … Read more

The Multiple Checkpoint Ordering Problem

The multiple Checkpoint Ordering Problem (mCOP) aims to find an optimal arrangement of n one-dimensional departments with given lengths such that the total weighted sum of their distances to m given checkpoints is minimized. In this paper we suggest an integer linear programming (ILP) approach and a dynamic programming (DP) algorithm, which is only exact … Read more

Disruption Recovery at Airports: Integer Programming Formulations and Polynomial time algorithms

We study disruptions at a major airport. Disruptions could be caused by bad weather, for example. Our study is from the perspective of the airport, the air services provider (such as air traffic control) and the travelling public, rather than from the perspective of a single airline. Disruptions cause flights to be subjected to ground … Read more

Toward breaking the curse of dimensionality: an FPTAS for stochastic dynamic programs with multidimensional action and scalar state

We propose a Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme (FPTAS) for stochastic dynamic programs with multidimensional action, scalar state, convex costs and linear state transition function. The action spaces are polyhedral and described by parametric linear programs. This type of problems finds applications in the area of optimal planning under uncertainty, and can be thought of as … Read more

Dynamic Stochastic Approximation for Multi-stage Stochastic Optimization

In this paper, we consider multi-stage stochastic optimization problems with convex objectives and conic constraints at each stage. We present a new stochastic first-order method, namely the dynamic stochastic approximation (DSA) algorithm, for solving these types of stochastic optimization problems. We show that DSA can achieve an optimal ${\cal O}(1/\epsilon^4)$ rate of convergence in terms … Read more

A branch-and-bound algorithm for the minimum radius k-enclosing ball problem

The minimum $k$-enclosing ball problem seeks the ball with smallest radius that contains at least $k$ of $m$ given points in a general $n$-dimensional Euclidean space. This problem is NP-hard. We present a branch-and-bound algorithm on the tree of the subsets of $k$ points to solve this problem. The nodes on the tree are ordered … Read more

Coordination of a two-level supply chain with contracts under complete or asymmetric information

We consider the coordination of planning decisions of a single product in a supply chain composed of one supplier and one retailer by using contracts. We assume that the retailer has the market power to impose his optimal replenishment plan to the supplier. Our concern is on the minimization of the supplier’s cost. In order … Read more

Non-smooth Non-convex Bregman Minimization: Unification and new Algorithms

We propose a unifying algorithm for non-smooth non-convex optimization. The algorithm approximates the objective function by a convex model function and finds an approximate (Bregman) proximal point of the convex model. This approximate minimizer of the model function yields a descent direction, along which the next iterate is found. Complemented with an Armijo-like line search … Read more

Improved proximal ADMM with partially parallel splitting for multi-block separable convex programming

For a type of multi-block separable convex programming raised in machine learning and statistical inference, we propose a proximal alternating direction method of multiplier (PADMM) with partially parallel splitting, which has the following nice properties: (1) To alleviate the weight of the proximal terms, the restrictions imposed on the proximal parameters are relaxed substantively; (2) … Read more