A rounding procedure for semidefinite optimization

Recently, Mohammad-Nezhad and Terlaky studied the identification of the optimal partition for semidefinite optimization. An approximation of the optimal partition was obtained from a bounded sequence of solutions on, or in a neighborhood of the central path. Here, we use the approximation of the optimal partition in a rounding procedure to generate an approximate maximally … Read more

Exploiting Identical Generators in Unit Commitment

We present sufficient conditions under which thermal generators can be aggregated in mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulations of the unit commitment (UC) problem, while maintaining feasibility and optimality for the original disaggregated problem. Aggregating thermal generators with identical characteristics (e.g., minimum/maximum power output, minimum up/down-time, and cost curves) into a single unit reduces redundancy in … Read more

A faster dual algorithm for the Euclidean minimum covering ball problem

Dearing and Zeck presented a dual algorithm for the problem of the minimum covering ball in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Each iteration of their algorithm has a computational complexity of at least $\mathcal O(n^3)$. In this paper we propose a modification to their algorithm that, together with an implementation that uses updates to the QR factorization of a … Read more

Behavior of accelerated gradient methods near critical points of nonconvex functions

We examine the behavior of accelerated gradient methods in smooth nonconvex unconstrained optimization, focusing in particular on their behavior near strict saddle points. Accelerated methods are iterative methods that typically step along a direction that is a linear combination of the previous step and the gradient of the function evaluated at a point at or … Read more

Simplex QP-based methods for minimizing a conic quadratic objective over polyhedra

We consider minimizing a conic quadratic objective over a polyhedron. Such problems arise in parametric value-at-risk minimization, portfolio optimization, and robust optimization with ellipsoidal objective uncertainty; and they can be solved by polynomial interior point algorithms for conic quadratic optimization. However, interior point algorithms are not well-suited for branch-and-bound algorithms for the discrete counterparts of … Read more

On efficiently solving the subproblems of a level-set method for fused lasso problems

In applying the level-set method developed in [Van den Berg and Friedlander, SIAM J. on Scientific Computing, 31 (2008), pp.~890–912 and SIAM J. on Optimization, 21 (2011), pp.~1201–1229] to solve the fused lasso problems, one needs to solve a sequence of regularized least squares subproblems. In order to make the level-set method practical, we develop … Read more

The job shop scheduling problem with convex costs

The job shop scheduling literature has been dominated by a focus on regular objective functions — in particular the makespan — in its half a century long history. The last twenty years have encountered a spike of interest in other objectives, such as the total weighted tardiness, but research on non-regular objective functions has always … Read more

The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Routing and Trajectory Optimisation Problem

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are becoming increasingly popular over the past few years. The complexity of routing UAVs has not been fully investigated in the literature. In this survey, we aim to review recent contributions in UAV trajectory optimisation, UAV routing and contributions addressing these two problems simultaneously. A unified framework is introduced to describe … Read more

Robust Optimization for Decision-making under Endogenous Uncertainty

This paper contemplates the use of robust optimization as a framework for addressing problems that involve endogenous uncertainty, i.e., uncertainty that is affected by the decision maker’s strategy. To that end, we extend generic polyhedral uncertainty sets typically considered in robust optimization into sets that depend on the actual decisions. We present the derivation of … Read more

Chambolle-Pock and Tseng’s methods: relationship and extension to the bilevel optimization

In the first part of the paper we focus on two problems: (a) regularized least squares and (b) nonsmooth minimization over an affine subspace. For these problems we establish the connection between the primal-dual method of Chambolle-Pock and Tseng’s proximal gradient method. For problem (a) it allows us to derive a nonergodic $O(1/k^2)$ convergence rate … Read more