A Primal-Dual Augmented Lagrangian Penalty-Interior-Point Filter Line Search Algorithm

Interior-point methods have been shown to be very efficient for large-scale nonlinear programming. The combination with penalty methods increases their robustness due to the regularization of the constraints caused by the penalty term. In this paper a primal-dual penalty-interior-point algorithm is proposed, that is based on an augmented Lagrangian approach with an l2-exact penalty function. … Read more

Multistage Stochastic Unit Commitment Using Stochastic Dual Dynamic Integer Programming

Unit commitment (UC) is a key operational problem in power systems used to determine an optimal daily or weekly generation commitment schedule. Incorporating uncertainty in this already difficult mixed integer optimization problem introduces significant computational challenges. Most existing stochastic UC models consider either a two-stage decision structure, where the commitment schedule for the entire planning … Read more

A Multilevel Model of the European Entry-Exit Gas Market

In entry-exit gas markets as they are currently implemented in Europe, network constraints do not affect market interaction beyond the technical capacities determined by the TSO that restrict the quantities individual firms can trade at the market. It is an up to now unanswered question to what extent existing network capacity remains unused in an … Read more

Stability and accuracy of Inexact Interior Point methods for convex quadratic programming

We consider primal-dual IP methods where the linear system arising at each iteration is formulated in the reduced (augmented) form and solved approximately. Focusing on the iterates close to a solution, we analyze the accuracy of the so-called inexact step, i.e., the step that solves the unreduced system, when combining the effects of both different … Read more

The uncapacitated p-hub center problem under the existence of zero flows

In this study, we consider the special case of the uncapacitated p-hub center problem, where the weight/flow matrix includes 0 entities. In some real life networks, such as airline networks, cargo networks etc., the zero flow might exist between certain demand points. Typically in airline networks, nobody travels from city i to city i. In … Read more

On the pointwise iteration-complexity of a dynamic regularized ADMM with over-relaxation stepsize

In this paper, we extend the improved pointwise iteration-complexity result of a dynamic regularized alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) for a new stepsize domain. In this complexity analysis, the stepsize parameter can even be chosen in the interval $(0,2)$ instead of interval $(0,(1+\sqrt{5})/2)$. As usual, our analysis is established by interpreting this ADMM variant … Read more

Warm-start of interior point methods for second order cone optimization via rounding over optimal Jordan frames

Interior point methods (IPM) are the most popular approaches to solve Second Order Cone Optimization (SOCO) problems, due to their theoretical polynomial complexity and practical performance. In this paper, we present a warm-start method for primal-dual IPMs to reduce the number of IPM steps needed to solve SOCO problems that appear in a Branch and … Read more

The symmetric ADMM with positive-indefinite proximal regularization and its application

Due to update the Lagrangian multiplier twice at each iteration, the symmetric alternating direction method of multipliers (S-ADMM) often performs better than other ADMM-type methods. In practice, some proximal terms with positive definite proximal matrices are often added to its subproblems, and it is commonly known that large proximal parameter of the proximal term often … Read more

A Derivative-Free and Ready-to-Use NLP Solver for Matlab or Octave

This paper introduces a derivative-free and ready-to-use solver for nonlinear programs with nonlinear equality and inequality constraints (NLPs). Using finite differences and a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) approach, the algorithm aims at finding a local minimizer and no extra attempt is made to generate a globally optimal solution. Due to the use of finite differences, … Read more

Local Linear Convergence Analysis of Primal–Dual Splitting Methods

In this paper, we study the local linear convergence properties of a versatile class of Primal–Dual splitting methods for minimizing composite non-smooth convex optimization problems. Under the assumption that the non-smooth components of the problem are partly smooth relative to smooth manifolds, we present a unified local convergence analysis framework for these Primal–Dual splitting methods. … Read more