Circular Ones Matrices and the Stable Set Polytope of Quasi-Line Graphs

It is a long standing open problem to find an explicit description of the stable set polytope of claw-free graphs. Yet more than 20 years after the discovery of a polynomial algorithm for the maximum stable set problem for claw-free graphs, there is even no conjecture at hand today. Such a conjecture exists for the … Read more

Convergent relaxations of polynomial matrix inequalities and static output feedback

Using a moment interpretation of recent results on sum-of-squares decompositions of non-negative polynomial matrices, we propose a hierarchy of convex linear matrix inequality (LMI) relaxations to solve non-convex polynomial matrix inequality (PMI) optimization problems, including bilinear matrix inequality (BMI) problems. This hierarchy of LMI relaxations generates a monotone sequence of lower bounds that converges to … Read more

A New Primal-Dual Interior-Point Algorithm for Second-Order Cone Optimization

We present a primal-dual interior-point algorithm for second-order conic optimization problems based on a specific class of kernel functions. This class has been investigated earlier for the case of linear optimization problems. In this paper we derive the complexity bounds $O(\sqrt{N})(\log N)\log\frac{N}{\epsilon})$ for large- and $O(\sqrt{N})\log\frac{N}{\epsilon}$ for small- update methods, respectively. Here $N$ denotes the … Read more

Scenario Approximations of Chance Constraints

We consider an optimization problem of minimization of a linear function subject to chance constraints. In the multidimensional case this problem is, generically, a problem of minimizing under a nonconvex and difficult to compute constraints and as such is computationally intractable. We investigate the potential of conceptually simple scenario approximation of the chance constraints. The … Read more

Large-Scale Semidefinite Programming via Saddle Point Mirror-Prox Algorithm

In this paper, we first develop “economical” representations for positive semidefinitness of well-structured sparse symmetric matrix. Using the representations, we then reformulate well-structured large-scale semidefinite problems into smooth convex-concave saddle point problems, which can be solved by a Prox-method with efficiency ${\cal O}(\epsilon^{-1})$ developed in \cite{Nem}. Some numerical implementations for large-scale Lovasz capacity and MAXCUT … Read more

A Mixed-Integer Programming Approach to Multi-Class Data Classification Problem

This paper presents a new data classification method based on mixed-integer programming. Traditional approaches that are based on partitioning the data sets into two groups perform poorly for multi-class data classification problems. The proposed approach is based on the use of hyper-boxes for defining boundaries of the classes that include all or some of the … Read more


Energy, a fundamental entity of modern life, is usually produced using fossil fuels as the primary raw material. A consequence of burning fossil fuels is the emission of environmentally harmful substances. Energy production systems generate steam and electricity that are served to different process customers to satisfy their energy requirement. The improvement of economical and … Read more

Robustness in Combinatorial Optimization and Scheduling Theory: An Extended Annotated Bibliography

This extended annotated bibliography focuses on what has been published during the last ten years in the area of combinatorial optimization and scheduling theory concerning robustness and other similar techniques dealing with worst case optimization under uncertainty and non-accuracy of problem data Citation Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Institute of Production and Logistics, Working paper Article … Read more

Lagrange Multipliers with Optimal Sensitivity Properties

We consider optimization problems with inequality and abstract set constraints, and we derive sensitivity properties of Lagrange multipliers under very weak conditions. In particular, we do not assume uniqueness of a Lagrange multiplier or continuity of the perturbation function. We show that the Lagrange multiplier of minimum norm defines the optimal rate of improvement of … Read more

The Design and Implementation of a Generic Sparse Bundle Adjustment Software Package Based on the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm

Bundle adjustment using the Levenberg-Marquardt minimization algorithm is almost invariably used as the last step of every feature-based structure and motion estimation computer vision algorithm to obtain optimal 3D structure and viewing parameter estimates. However, due to the large number of unknowns contributing to the minimized reprojection error, a general purpose implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt … Read more