A Polyhedral Study on Chance Constrained Program with Random Right-Hand Side

The essential structure of the mixed–integer programming formulation for chance–constrained program (CCP) is the intersection of multiple mixing sets with a $0-1$ knapsack. To improve our computational capacity on CCP, an underlying substructure, the (single) mixing set with a $0-1$ knapsack, has received substantial attentions recently. In this study, we consider a CCP problem with … Read more

Maximizing a class of submodular utility functions with constraints

Motivated by stochastic 0-1 integer programming problems with an expected utility objective, we study the mixed-integer nonlinear set: $P = \cset{(w,x)\in \reals \times \set{0,1}^N}{w \leq f(a’x + d), b’x \leq B}$ where $N$ is a positive integer, $f:\reals \mapsto \reals$ is a concave function, $a, b \in \reals^N$ are nonnegative vectors, $d$ is a real … Read more

Strong formulations for convex functions over nonconvex sets

In this paper we derive strong linear inequalities for sets of the form {(x, q) ∈ R^d × R : q ≥ Q(x), x ∈ R^d − int(P ) }, where Q(x) : R^d → R is a quadratic function, P ⊂ R^d and “int” denotes interior. Of particular but not exclusive interest is the … Read more

Fenchel Decomposition for Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming

This paper introduces a new cutting plane method for two-stage stochastic mixed-integer programming (SMIP) called Fenchel decomposition (FD). FD uses a class of valid inequalities termed, FD cuts, which are derived based on Fenchel cutting planes from integer programming. First, we derive FD cuts based on both the first and second-stage variables, and devise an … Read more

Two Row Mixed Integer Cuts Via Lifting

Recently, Andersen et al.(2007), Borozan and Cornuejols (2007) and Cornuejols and Margot(2007) characterized extreme inequalities of a system of two rows with two free integer variables and nonnegative continuous variables. These inequalities are either split cuts or intersection cuts (Balas (1971)) derived using maximal lattice-free convex sets. In order to use these inequalities to obtain … Read more

Formulations and Valid Inequalities for the Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem

We consider the vehicle routing problem where one can choose among vehicles with different costs and capacities to serve the trips. We develop six different formulations: the first four based on Miller-Tucker-Zemlin constraints and the last two based on flows. We compare the linear programming bounds of these formulations. We derive valid inequalities and lift … Read more

Polyhedral Analysis for the Uncapacitated Hub Location Problem with Modular Arc Capacities

We consider the problem of installing a two-level telecommunication network. Terminal nodes communicate with each other through hubs. Hubs can be installed on terminal nodes and they are interconnected by a complete network. Each terminal is connected to a hub node by direct links. The aim is to minimize the cost of installing hubs and … Read more

Solving diameter constrained minimum spanning tree problems in dense graphs

In this study, a lifting procedure is applied to some existing formulations of the Diameter Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. This problem typically models network design applications where all vertices must communicate with each other at minimum cost, while meeting or surpassing a given quality requirement. An alternative formulation is also proposed for instances of … Read more

Cover Inequalities for Binary-Integer Knapsack Constraints

We consider knapsack constraints involving one general integer and many binary variables. We introduce the concept of a cover for such a constraint and we construct a new family of valid inequalities based on this concept. We generalize this idea to extended covers, and we propose a specialized lifting procedure for cover inequalities. Finally, we … Read more