New developments in the primal-dual column generation technique

The classical column generation is based on optimal solutions of the restricted master problems. This strategy frequently results in an unstable behaviour and may require an unnecessarily large number of iterations. To overcome this weakness, variations of the classical approach use interior points of the dual feasible set, instead of optimal solutions. In this paper, … Read more

A Bound for the Number of Different Basic Solutions Generated by the Simplex Method

In this short paper, we give an upper bound for the number of different basic feasible solutions generated by the simplex method for linear programming problems having optimal solutions. The bound is polynomial of the number of constraints, the number of variables, and the ratio between the minimum and the maximum values of all the … Read more

Klee-Minty’s LP and Upper Bounds for Dantzig’s Simplex Method

Kitahara and Mizuno (2010) get two upper bounds for the number of different basic feasible solutions generated by Dantzig’s simplex method. The size of the bounds highly depends on the ratio between the maximum and minimum values of all the positive elements of basic feasible solutions. In this paper, we show some relations between the … Read more

The central curve in linear programming

The central curve of a linear program is an algebraic curve specified by linear and quadratic constraints arising from complementary slackness. It is the union of the various central paths for minimizing or maximizing the cost function over any region in the associated hyperplane arrangement. We determine the degree, arithmetic genus and defining prime ideal … Read more

A Polynomial Arc-Search Interior-Point Algorithm for Linear Programming

In this paper, ellipse is used to approximate the central path of the linear programming. An interior-point algorithm is devised to search the optimizers along the ellipse. The algorithm is proved to be polynomial with the complexity bound $O(n^{\frac{1}{2}}\log(1/\epsilon))$. Numerical test is conducted for problems in Netlib. For most tested Netlib problems, the result shows … Read more

Computational and Economic Limitations of Dispatch Operations in the Next-Generation Power Grid

We study the interactions between computational and economic performance of dispatch operations under highly dynamic environments. In particular, we discuss the need for extending the forecast horizon of the dispatch formulation in order to anticipate steep variations of renewable power and highly elastic loads. We present computational strategies to solve the increasingly larger optimization problems … Read more

On the Equivalencey of Linear Programming Problems and Zero-Sum Games

In 1951, Dantzig showed the equivalence of linear programming and two-person zero-sum games. However, in the description of his reduction from linear programming to zero-sum games, he noted that there was one case in which his reduction does not work. This also led to incomplete proofs of the relationship between the Minmax Theorem of game … Read more

Information Geometry and Primal-Dual Interior-point Algorithms

In this paper, we study polynomial-time interior-point algorithms in view of information geometry. We introduce an information geometric structure for a conic linear program based on a self-concordant barrier function. Riemannian metric is defined with the Hessian of the barrier function. We introduce two connections $\nabla$ and $\nabla^*$ which roughly corresponds to the primal and … Read more

A Pure L1-norm Principal Component Analysis

The L1 norm has been applied in numerous variations of principal component analysis (PCA). L1-norm PCA is an attractive alternative to traditional L2-based PCA because it can impart robustness in the presence of outliers and is indicated for models where standard Gaussian assumptions about the noise may not apply. Of all the previously-proposed PCA schemes … Read more

Matrix-Free Interior Point Method

In this paper we present a redesign of a linear algebra kernel of an interior point method to avoid the explicit use of problem matrices. The only access to the original problem data needed are the matrix-vector multiplications with the Hessian and Jacobian matrices. Such a redesign requires the use of suitably preconditioned iterative methods … Read more