A simple Newton method for local nonsmooth optimization

Superlinear convergence has been an elusive goal for black-box nonsmooth optimization. Even in the convex case, the subgradient method is very slow, and while some cutting plane algorithms, including traditional bundle methods, are popular in practice, local convergence is still sluggish. Faster variants depend either on problem structure or on analyses that elide sequences of … Read more

Numerical solution of generalized minimax problems

This contribution contains the description and investigation of four numerical methods for solving generalized minimax problems, which consists in the minimization of functions which are compositions of special smooth convex functions with maxima of smooth functions (the most important problem of this type is the sum of maxima of smooth functions). Section~1 is introductory. In … Read more

Trust-region methods for the derivative-free optimization of nonsmooth black-box functions

In this paper we study the minimization of a nonsmooth black-box type function, without assuming any access to derivatives or generalized derivatives and without any knowledge about the analytical origin of the function nonsmoothness. Directional methods have been derived for such problems but to our knowledge no model-based method like a trust-region one has yet … Read more

On the Relation between MPECs and Optimization Problems in Abs-Normal Form

We show that the problem of unconstrained minimization of a function in abs-normal form is equivalent to identifying a certain stationary point of a counterpart Mathematical Program with Equilibrium Constraints (MPEC). Hence, concepts introduced for the abs-normal forms turn out to be closely related to established concepts in the theory of MPECs. We give a … Read more

A Distributed Quasi-Newton Algorithm for Empirical Risk Minimization with Nonsmooth Regularization

We propose a communication- and computation-efficient distributed optimization algorithm using second-order information for solving ERM problems with a nonsmooth regularization term. Current second-order and quasi-Newton methods for this problem either do not work well in the distributed setting or work only for specific regularizers. Our algorithm uses successive quadratic approximations, and we describe how to … Read more

Let’s Make Block Coordinate Descent Go Fast: Faster Greedy Rules, Message-Passing, Active-Set Complexity, and Superlinear Convergence

Block coordinate descent (BCD) methods are widely-used for large-scale numerical optimization because of their cheap iteration costs, low memory requirements, amenability to parallelization, and ability to exploit problem structure. Three main algorithmic choices influence the performance of BCD methods: the block partitioning strategy, the block selection rule, and the block update rule. In this paper … Read more

Analysis of the Gradient Method with an Armijo-Wolfe Line Search on a Class of Nonsmooth Convex Functions

It has long been known that the gradient (steepest descent) method may fail on nonsmooth problems, but the examples that have appeared in the literature are either devised specifically to defeat a gradient or subgradient method with an exact line search or are unstable with respect to perturbation of the initial point. We give an … Read more

Multi-objective risk-averse two-stage stochastic programming problems

We consider a multi-objective risk-averse two-stage stochastic programming problem with a multivariate convex risk measure. We suggest a convex vector optimization formulation with set-valued constraints and propose an extended version of Benson’s algorithm to solve this problem. Using Lagrangian duality, we develop scenario-wise decomposition methods to solve the two scalarization problems appearing in Benson’s algorithm. … Read more

A Self-Correcting Variable-Metric Algorithm Framework for Nonsmooth Optimization

An algorithm framework is proposed for minimizing nonsmooth functions. The framework is variable-metric in that, in each iteration, a step is computed using a symmetric positive definite matrix whose value is updated as in a quasi-Newton scheme. However, unlike previously proposed variable-metric algorithms for minimizing nonsmooth functions, the framework exploits self-correcting properties made possible through … Read more

Dynamic Scaling and Submodel Selection in Bundle Methods for Convex Optimization

Bundle methods determine the next candidate point as the minimizer of a cutting model augmented with a proximal term. We propose a dynamic approach for choosing a quadratic proximal term based on subgradient information from past evaluations. For the special case of convex quadratic functions, conditions are studied under which this actually reproduces the Hessian. … Read more