Globally Convergent Evolution Strategies for Constrained Optimization.

In this work we propose, analyze, and test algorithms for linearly constrained optimization when no use of derivatives of the objective function is made. The proposed methodology is built upon the globally convergent evolution strategies previously introduced by the authors for unconstrained optimization. Two approaches are encompassed to handle the constraints. In a first approach, … Read more

Coordinate shadows of semi-definite and Euclidean distance matrices

We consider the projected semi-definite and Euclidean distance cones onto a subset of the matrix entries. These two sets are precisely the input data defining feasible semi-definite and Euclidean distance completion problems. We characterize when these sets are closed, and use the boundary structure of these two sets to elucidate the Krislock-Wolkowicz facial reduction algorithm. … Read more

A method for weighted projections to the positive definite cone

We study the numerical solution of the problem $\min_{X \ge 0} \|BX-c\|2$, where $X$ is a symmetric square matrix, and $B$ a linear operator, such that $B^*B$ is invertible. With $\rho$ the desired fractional duality gap, we prove $O(\sqrt{m}\log\rho^{-1})$ iteration complexity for a simple primal-dual interior point method directly based on those for linear programs … Read more

On Cone of Nonsymmetric Positive Semidefinite Matrices

In this paper, we analyze and characterize the cone of nonsymmetric positive semidefinite matrices (NS-psd). Firstly, we study basic properties of the geometry of the NS-psd cone and show that it is a hyperbolic but not homogeneous cone. Secondly, we prove that the NS-psd cone is a maximal convex subcone of $P_0$-matrix cone which is … Read more

Implicitely and Densely Discrete Black-Box Optimization Problems

This paper addresses derivative-free optimization problems where the variables lie implicitly in an unknown discrete closed set. The evaluation of the objective function follows a projection onto the discrete set, which is assumed dense rather than sparse. Such a mathematical setting is a rough representation of what is common in many real-life applications where, despite … Read more

On the Second-Order Feasibility Cone: Primal-Dual Representation and Efficient Projection

We study the second-order feasibility cone F = { y : \| My \| \le g^Ty } for given data (M,g). We construct a new representation for this cone and its dual based on the spectral decomposition of the matrix M^TM – gg^T. This representation is used to efficiently solve the problem of projecting an … Read more

Formulations and Valid Inequalities for the Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem

We consider the vehicle routing problem where one can choose among vehicles with different costs and capacities to serve the trips. We develop six different formulations: the first four based on Miller-Tucker-Zemlin constraints and the last two based on flows. We compare the linear programming bounds of these formulations. We derive valid inequalities and lift … Read more