Convergence rates of moment-sum-of-squares hierarchies for volume approximation of semialgebraic sets

Moment-sum-of-squares hierarchies of semidefinite programs can be used to approximate the volume of a given compact basic semialgebraic set $K$. The idea consists of approximating from above the indicator function of $K$ with a sequence of polynomials of increasing degree $d$, so that the integrals of these polynomials generate a convergence sequence of upper bounds … Read more

Rigorous results in electronic structure calculations

Electronic structure calculations, in particular the computation of the ground state energy, lead to challenging problems in optimization. These problems are of enormous importance in quantum chemistry for calculations of properties of solids and molecules. Minimization methods for computing the ground state energy can be developed by employing a variational approach, where the second-order reduced … Read more

SPECTRA – a Maple library for solving linear matrix inequalities in exact arithmetic

This document briefly describes our freely distributed Maple library {\sc spectra}, for Semidefinite Programming solved Exactly with Computational Tools of Real Algebra. It solves linear matrix inequalities in exact arithmetic and it is targeted to small-size, possibly degenerate problems for which symbolic infeasibility or feasibility certificates are required. Article Download View SPECTRA – a Maple … Read more

Moment methods in energy minimization: New bounds for Riesz minimal energy problems

We use moment methods to construct a converging hierarchy of optimization problems to lower bound the ground state energy of interacting particle systems. We approximate the infinite dimensional optimization problems in this hierarchy by block diagonal semidefinite programs. For this we develop the necessary harmonic analysis for spaces consisting of subsets of another space, and … Read more

Max-Norm Optimization for Robust Matrix Recovery

This paper studies the matrix completion problem under arbitrary sampling schemes. We propose a new estimator incorporating both max-norm and nuclear-norm regularization, based on which we can conduct efficient low-rank matrix recovery using a random subset of entries observed with additive noise under general non-uniform and unknown sampling distributions. This method significantly relaxes the uniform … Read more

A Copositive Approach for Two-Stage Adjustable Robust Optimization with Uncertain Right-Hand Sides

We study two-stage adjustable robust linear programming in which the right-hand sides are uncertain and belong to a convex, compact uncertainty set. This problem is NP-hard, and the affine policy is a popular, tractable approximation. We prove that under standard and simple conditions, the two-stage problem can be reformulated as a copositive optimization problem, which … Read more

Convergence rates of moment-sum-of-squares hierarchies for optimal control problems

We study the convergence rate of moment-sum-of-squares hierarchies of semidefinite programs for optimal control problems with polynomial data. It is known that these hierarchies generate polynomial under-approximations to the value function of the optimal control problem and that these under-approximations converge in the $L^1$ norm to the value function as their degree $d$ tends to … Read more

Elementary polytopes with high lift-and-project ranks for strong positive semidefinite operators

We consider operators acting on convex subsets of the unit hypercube. These operators are used in constructing convex relaxations of combinatorial optimization problems presented as a 0,1 integer programming problem or a 0,1 polynomial optimization problem. Our focus is mostly on operators that, when expressed as a lift-and-project operator, involve the use of semidefiniteness constraints … Read more

Low-Rank Matrix Completion using Nuclear Norm with Facial Reduction

Minimization of the nuclear norm is often used as a surrogate, convex relaxation, for finding the minimum rank completion (recovery) of a partial matrix. The minimum nuclear norm problem can be solved as a trace minimization semidefinite programming problem (\SDP). The \SDP and its dual are regular in the sense that they both satisfy strict … Read more