Using mixed-integer programming to solve power grid blackout problems

We consider optimization problems related to the prevention of large-scale cascading blackouts in power transmission networks subject to multiple scenarios of externally caused damage. We present computation with networks with up to 600 nodes and 827 edges, and many thousands of damage scenarios. CitationCORC Report TR-2005-07, Columbia UniversityArticleDownload View PDF

Stationarity and Regularity of Real-Valued Functions

Different stationarity and regularity concepts for extended real-valued functions on metric spaces are considered in the paper. The properties are characterized in terms of certain local constants. A classification scheme for stationarity/regularity constants and corresponding concepts is proposed. The relations between different constants are established. CitationUniversity of Ballarat, School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, … Read more

A conic interior point decomposition approach for large scale semidefinite programming

We describe a conic interior point decomposition approach for solving a large scale semidefinite programs (SDP) whose primal feasible set is bounded. The idea is to solve such an SDP using existing primal-dual interior point methods, in an iterative fashion between a {\em master problem} and a {\em subproblem}. In our case, the master problem … Read more

An efficient conjugate direction method with orthogonalization for large-scale quadratic optimization problems

A new conjugate direction method is proposed, which is based on an orthogonalization procedure and does not make use of line searches for the conjugate vector set construction. This procedure prevents the set of conjugate vectors from degeneracy and eliminates high sensitivity to computation errors pertinent to methods of conjugate directions, resulting in an efficient … Read more

Societal Implicit Memory and his Speed on Tracking Extrema over Dynamic Environments using Self-Regulatory Swarms

In order to overcome difficult dynamic optimization and environment extrema tracking problems, we propose a Self-Regulated Swarm (SRS) algorithm which hybridizes the advantageous characteristics of Swarm Intelligence as the emergence of a societal environmental memory or cognitive map via collective pheromone laying in the landscape (properly balancing the exploration/exploitation nature of the search strategy), with … Read more

The multiple-sets split feasibility problem and its applications for inverse problems

The multiple-sets split feasibility problem requires to find a point closest to a family of closed convex sets in one space such that its image under a linear transformation will be closest to another family of closed convex sets in the image space. It can be a model for many inverse problems where constraints are … Read more

MIP-based heuristics for multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times and shortage costs

We address a multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times that arises in real-world production planning contexts. Demand cannot be backlogged, but can be totally or partially lost. Safety stock is an objective to reach rather than an industrial constraint to respect. The problem is NP-hard. A mixed integer mathematical formulation is presented. We propose … Read more

The Efficient Outcome Set of a Bi-criteria Linear Programming and Application

We study the efficient outcome set $Y_E$ of a bi-criteria linear programming problem $(BP)$ and present a quite simple algorithm for generating all extreme points of $Y_E$. Application to optimization a scalar function $h(x)$ over the efficient set of $(BP)$ in case of $h$ which is a convex and dependent on the criteria is considered. … Read more

The Impact of Sampling Methods on Bias and Variance in Stochastic Linear Programs

Two-stage stochastic linear programs can be solved approximately by drawing a subset of all possible random scenarios and solving the problem based on this subset, an approach known as sample path optimization. Sample path optimization creates two kinds of objective function bias. First, the expected optimal objective function value for the sampled problem is lower … Read more

MW: A Software Framework for Combinatorial Optimization on Computational Grids

Our goal in this paper is to demonstrate that branch-and-bound algorithms for combinatorial optimization can be effectively implemented on a relatively new type of multiprocessor platform known as a computational grid. We will argue that to easily and effectively harness the power of computational grids for branch-and-bound algorithms, the master-worker paradigm should be used to … Read more