Unbounded Convex Sets for Non-Convex Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming

This paper introduces a fundamental family of unbounded convex sets that arises in the context of non-convex mixed-integer quadratic programming. It is shown that any mixed-integer quadratic program with linear constraints can be reduced to the minimisation of a linear function over a set in the family. Some fundamental properties of the convex sets are … Read more

Exploiting structure of autoregressive processes in risk-averse multistage stochastic linear programs

We consider a multivariate interstage dependent stochastic process whose components follow a generalized autoregressive model with time varying order. At a given time step, we give some recursive formulae linking future values of the process with past values and noises. We then consider multistage stochastic linear programs with uncertain polyhedral sets depending affinely on such … Read more

A copula-based heuristic for scenario generation

This paper presents a new heuristic for generating scenarios for two-stage stochastic programs. The method uses copulas to describe the dependence between the marginal distributions, instead of the more common correlations. The heuristic is then tested on a simple portfolio-selection model, and compared to two other scenario-generation methods. CitationPublished in Computational Management Science, 11 (4), … Read more

Stochastic approaches for solving Rapid Transit Network Design models with random demand

We address rapid transit network design problems characterized by uncertainty in the input data. Network design has a determinant impact on the future e ective- ness of the system. Design decisions are made with a great degree of uncertainty about the conditions under which the system will be required to operate. The de- mand is one … Read more

Improving Robust Rolling Stock Circulation in Rapid Transit Networks

The routing of the rolling stock depends strongly on the rolling stock assignment to di erent opera- tions and the shunting schedule. Therefore, the integration of these decision making is justi ed and is appropriate to introduce robustness in the model. We propose a new approach to obtain better circula- tions of the rolling stock material, solving … Read more

Complexity and Exact Solution Approaches to the Minimum Changeover Cost Arborescence Problem

We are given a digraph G = (N, A), where each arc is colored with one among k given colors. We look for a spanning arborescence T of G rooted at a given node and having minimum changeover cost. We call this the Minimum Changeover Cost Arborescence problem. To the authors’ knowledge, it is a … Read more

A smooth perceptron algorithm

The perceptron algorithm, introduced in the late fifties in the machine learning community, is a simple greedy algorithm for finding a solution to a finite set of linear inequalities. The algorithm’s main advantages are its simplicity and noise tolerance. The algorithm’s main disadvantage is its slow convergence rate. We propose a modified version of the … Read more

Properties of a Cutting Plane Method for Semidefinite Programming

We analyze the properties of an interior point cutting plane algorithm that is based on a semi-infinite linear formulation of the dual semidefinite program. The cutting plane algorithm approximately solves a linear relaxation of the dual semidefinite program in every iteration and relies on a separation oracle that returns linear cutting planes. We show that … Read more

Managing Operational and Financing Decisions to Meet Consumption Targets

We study dynamic operational decision problems where risky cash flows are being resolved over a finite planning horizon. Financing decisions via lending and borrowing are available to smooth out consumptions over time with the goal of achieving some prescribed consumption targets. Our target-oriented decision criterion is based on the aggregation of Aumann and Serrano (2008) … Read more

On Kusuoka representation of law invariant risk measures

In this paper we discuss representations of law invariant coherent risk measures in a form of integrals of the Average Value-at-Risk measures. We show that such integral representation exists iff the dual set of the considered risk measure is generated by one of its elements, and this representation is uniquely defined. On the other hand, … Read more