A polynomial primal-dual affine scaling algorithm for symmetric conic optimization

The primal-dual Dikin-type affine scaling method was originally proposed for linear optimization and then extended to semidefinite optimization. Here, the method is generalized to symmetric conic optimization using the notion of Euclidean Jordan algebras. The method starts with an interior feasible but not necessarily centered primal-dual solution, and it features both centering and reducing the … Read more

An accelerated non-Euclidean hybrid proximal extragradient-type Algorithm for convex-concave saddle-point Problems

This paper describes an accelerated HPE-type method based on general Bregman distances for solving monotone saddle-point (SP) problems. The algorithm is a special instance of a non-Euclidean hybrid proximal extragradient framework introduced by Svaiter and Solodov [28] where the prox sub-inclusions are solved using an accelerated gradient method. It generalizes the accelerated HPE algorithm presented … Read more

Quantitative Stability Analysis for Distributionally Robust Optimization With Moment Constraints

In this paper we consider a broad class of distributionally robust optimization (DRO for short) problems where the probability of the underlying random variables depends on the decision variables and the ambiguity set is de ned through parametric moment conditions with generic cone constraints. Under some moderate conditions including Slater type conditions of cone constrained moment … Read more

Weak Infeasibility in Second Order Cone Programming

The objective of this work is to study weak infeasibility in second order cone programming. For this purpose, we consider a relaxation sequence of feasibility problems that mostly preserve the feasibility status of the original problem. This is used to show that for a given weakly infeasible problem at most m directions are needed to … Read more

Algorithms for the power-$ Steiner tree problem in the Euclidean plane

We study the problem of constructing minimum power-$p$ Euclidean $k$-Steiner trees in the plane. The problem is to find a tree of minimum cost spanning a set of given terminals where, as opposed to the minimum spanning tree problem, at most $k$ additional nodes (Steiner points) may be introduced anywhere in the plane. The cost … Read more

A multiplicative weights update algorithm for MINLP

We discuss an application of the well-known Multiplicative Weights Update (MWU) algorithm to non-convex and mixed-integer nonlinear programming. We present applications to: (a) the distance geometry problem, which arises in the positioning of mobile sensors and in protein conformation; (b) a hydro unit commitment problem arising in the energy industry, and (c) a class of … Read more

New Computational Guarantees for Solving Convex Optimization Problems with First Order Methods, via a Function Growth Condition Measure

Motivated by recent work of Renegar, we present new computational methods and associated computational guarantees for solving convex optimization problems using first-order methods. Our problem of interest is the general convex optimization problem f^* = \min_{x \in Q} f(x), where we presume knowledge of a strict lower bound f_slb < f^*. [Indeed, f_slb is naturally ... Read more

Robust Sensitivity Analysis of the Optimal Value of Linear Programming

We propose a framework for sensitivity analysis of linear programs (LPs) in minimiza- tion form, allowing for simultaneous perturbations in the objective coefficients and right-hand sides, where the perturbations are modeled in a compact, convex uncertainty set. This framework unifies and extends multiple approaches for LP sensitivity analysis in the literature and has close ties … Read more

The impact of the existence of multiple adjustable robust solutions

In this note we show that multiple solutions exist for the production-inventory example in the seminal paper on adjustable robust optimization in [2]. All these optimal robust solutions have the same worst-case objective value, but the mean objective values differ up to 21.9% and for individual realizations this difference can be up to 59.4%. We … Read more

Solving conic optimization problems via self-dual embedding and facial reduction: a unified approach

We establish connections between the facial reduction algorithm of Borwein and Wolkowicz and the self-dual homogeneous model of Goldman and Tucker when applied to conic optimization problems. Specifically, we show the self-dual homogeneous model returns facial reduction certificates when it fails to return a primal-dual optimal solution or a certificate of infeasibility. Using this observation, … Read more