Bi-Perspective Functions for Mixed-Integer Fractional Programs with Indicator Variables

Perspective functions have long been used to convert fractional programs into convex programs. More recently, they have been used to form tight relaxations of mixed-integer nonlinear programs with so-called indicator variables. Motivated by a practical application (maximising energy efficiency in an OFDMA system), we consider problems that have a fractional objective and indicator variables simultaneously. … Read more

A note on preconditioning weighted linear least squares, with consequences for weakly-constrained variational data assimilation

The effect of preconditioning linear weighted least-squares using an approximation of the model matrix is analyzed, showing the interplay of the eigenstructures of both the model and weighting matrices. A small example is given illustrating the resulting potential inefficiency of such preconditioners. Consequences of these results in the context of the weakly-constrained 4D-Var data assimilation … Read more

Constraint Generation for Two-Stage Robust Network Flow Problem

In this paper, we propose new constraint generation algorithms for solving the two-stage robust minimum cost flow problem, a problem that arises from various applications such as transportation and logistics. In order to develop efficient algorithms under general polyhedral uncertainty set, we repeatedly exploit the network-flow structure to reformulate the two-stage robust minimum cost flow … Read more

Constraints reduction programming by subset selection: a study from numerical aspect

We consider a novel method entitled constraints reduction programming which aims to reduce the constraints in an optimization model. This method is derived from various applications of management or decision making, and has potential ability to handle a wider range of applications. Due to the high combinatorial complexity of underlying model, it is difficult to … Read more

A Criterion Space Search Algorithm for Biobjective Mixed Integer Programming: the Boxed Line Method

Despite recent interest in multiobjective integer programming, few algorithms exist for solving biobjective mixed integer programs. We present such an algorithm: the Boxed Line Method. For one of its variants, we prove that the number of single-objective integer programs solved is bounded by a linear function of the number of nondominated line segments in the … Read more

Resilient Course and Instructor Scheduling in the Mathematics Department at the United States Naval Academy

In this work, we study the problem of scheduling courses and instructors in the Mathematics Department at the United States Naval Academy (USNA) in a resilient manner. Every semester, the department needs to schedule around 70 instructors and 150-180 course sections into 30 class periods and 30 rooms. We formulate a stochastic integer linear program … Read more

A Sigmoidal Approximation for Chance-constrained Nonlinear Programs

We propose a sigmoidal approximation (SigVaR) for the value-at-risk (VaR) and we use this approximation to tackle nonlinear programming problems (NLPs) with chance constraints. We prove that the approximation is conservative and that the level of conservatism can be made arbitrarily small for limiting parameter values. The SigVar approximation brings computational benefits over exact mixed-integer … Read more

A Note on Submodular Function Minimization by Chubanov’s LP Algorithm

Recently Dadush, Vegh, and Zambelli (2017) has devised a polynomial submodular function minimization (SFM) algorithm based on their LP algorithm. In the present note we also show a weakly polynomial algorithm for SFM based on the recently developed linear programming feasibility algorithm of Chubanov (2017). Our algorithm is different from Dadush, Vegh, and Zambelli’s but … Read more

The Vertex k-cut Problem

Given an undirected graph G = (V, E), a vertex k-cut of G is a vertex subset of V the removing of which disconnects the graph in at least k connected components. Given a graph G and an integer k greater than or equal to two, the vertex k-cut problem consists in finding a vertex … Read more

Worst-case evaluation complexity and optimality of second-order methods for nonconvex smooth optimization

We establish or refute the optimality of inexact second-order methods for unconstrained nonconvex optimization from the point of view of worst-case evaluation complexity, improving and generalizing the results of Cartis, Gould and Toint (2010,2011). To this aim, we consider a new general class of inexact second-order algorithms for unconstrained optimization that includes regularization and trust-region … Read more