Network Models for Multiobjective Discrete Optimization

This paper provides a novel framework for solving multiobjective discrete optimization problems with an arbitrary number of objectives. Our framework formulates these problems as network models, in that enumerating the Pareto frontier amounts to solving a multicriteria shortest path problem in an auxiliary network. We design tools and techniques for exploiting the network model in … Read more

Cubic Regularization Method based on Mixed Factorizations for Unconstrained Minimization

Newton’s method for unconstrained optimization, subject to proper regularization or special trust-region procedures, finds first-order stationary points with precision $\varepsilon$ employing, at most, $O(\varepsilon^{-3/2})$ functional and derivative evaluations. However, the computer work per iteration of the best-known implementations may need several factorizations per iteration or may use rather expensive matrix decompositions. In this paper, we … Read more

Concise Complexity Analyses for Trust-Region Methods

Concise complexity analyses are presented for simple trust region algorithms for solving unconstrained optimization problems. In contrast to a traditional trust region algorithm, the algorithms considered in this paper require certain control over the choice of trust region radius after any successful iteration. The analyses highlight the essential algorithm components required to obtain certain complexity … Read more

Uniqueness of DRS as the 2 Operator Resolvent-Splitting and Impossibility of 3 Operator Resolvent-Splitting

Given the success of Douglas-Rachford splitting (DRS), it is natural to ask whether DRS can be generalized. Are there are other 2 operator splittings? Can DRS be generalized to 3 operators? This work presents the answers: no and no. In a certain sense, DRS is the unique 2 operator resolvent-splitting, and generalizing DRS to 3 … Read more

The robust vehicle routing problem with time windows: compact formulation and branch-price-and-cut method

We address the robust vehicle routing problem with time windows (RVRPTW) under customer demand and travel time uncertainties. As presented thus far in the literature, robust counterparts of standard formulations have challenged general-purpose optimization solvers and specialized branch-and-cut methods. Hence, optimal solutions have been reported for small-scale instances only. Additionally, although the most successful methods … Read more

Generalization Bounds for Regularized Portfolio Selection with Market Side Information

Drawing on statistical learning theory, we derive out-of-sample and suboptimal guarantees about the investment strategy obtained from a regularized portfolio optimization model which attempts to exploit side information about the financial market in order to reach an optimal risk-return tradeoff. This side information might include for instance recent stock returns, volatility indexes, financial news indicators, … Read more

An exact algorithm to find non-dominated facets of Tri-Objective MILPs

Many problems in real life have more than one decision criterion, referred to as multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems, and the objective functions of these problems are conflicting in most cases. Hence, finding non-dominated solutions is very critical for decision making process. Tri-objective mixed-integer linear programs (TOMILP) are an important subclass of MOOs that are applicable … Read more

Mathematical Programming Formulations for Piecewise Polynomial Functions

This paper studies mathematical programming formulations for solving optimization problems with piecewise polynomial (PWP) constraint functions. We elaborate on suitable polynomial bases as a means of efficiently representing PWPs in mathematical programs, comparing and drawing connections between the monomial basis, the Bernstein basis, and B-splines. The theory is presented for both continuous and semi-continuous PWPs. … Read more

Local attractors of newton-type methods for constrained equations and complementarity problems with nonisolated solutions

For constrained equations with nonisolated solutions, we show that if the equation mapping is 2-regular at a given solution with respect to a direction in the null space of the Jacobian, and this direction is interior feasible, then there is an associated domain of starting points from which a family of Newton-type methods is well-de ned … Read more

Combinatorial Integral Approximation Decompositions for Mixed-Integer Optimal Control

Solving mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs) is hard in theory and practice. Decomposing the nonlinear and the integer part seems promising from a computational point of view. In general, however, no bounds on the objective value gap can be guaranteed and iterative procedures with potentially many subproblems are necessary. The situation is different for mixed-integer optimal … Read more