Adaptive Importance Sampling Based Surrogation Methods for Bayesian Hierarchical Models, via Logarithmic Integral Optimization

We explore Maximum a Posteriori inference of Bayesian Hierarchical Models (BHMs) with intractable normalizers, which are increasingly prevalent in contemporary applications and pose computational challenges when combined with nonconvexity and nondifferentiability. To address these, we propose the Adaptive Importance Sampling-based Surrogation method, which efficiently handles nonconvexity and nondifferentiability while improving the sampling approximation of the … Read more

Distributionally Robust Linear Quadratic Control

Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) control is a fundamental control paradigm that is studied in various fields such as engineering, computer science, economics, and neuroscience. It involves controlling a system with linear dynamics and imperfect observations, subject to additive noise, with the goal of minimizing a quadratic cost function for the state and control variables. In this work, … Read more

Sampling-based Decomposition Algorithms for Multistage Stochastic Programming

Sampling-based algorithms provide a practical approach to solving large-scale multistage stochastic programs. This chapter presents two alternative approaches to incorporating sampling within multistage stochastic linear programming algorithms. In the first approach, sampling is used to construct a sample average approximation (SAA) of the true multistage program. Subsequently, an optimization step is undertaken using deterministic decomposition … Read more

Polyhedral Newton-min algorithms for complementarity problems

The semismooth Newton method is a very efficient approach for computing a zero of a large class of nonsmooth equations. When the initial iterate is sufficiently close to a regular zero and the function is strongly semismooth, the generated sequence converges quadratically to that zero, while the iteration only requires to solve a linear system. … Read more

On the Regulatory and Economic Incentives for Renewable Hybrid Power Plants in Brazil

The complementarity between renewable generation profiles has been widely explored in the literature. Notwithstanding, the regulatory and economic frameworks for hybrid power plants add interesting challenges and opportunities for investors, regulators, and planners. Focusing on the Brazilian power market, this paper proposes a unified and isonomic firm energy certificate (FEC) calculation for non-controllable renewable generators, … Read more

Safely Learning Dynamical Systems

A fundamental challenge in learning an unknown dynamical system is to reduce model uncertainty by making measurements while maintaining safety. In this work, we formulate a mathematical definition of what it means to safely learn a dynamical system by sequentially deciding where to initialize the next trajectory. In our framework, the state of the system … Read more

Political districting to optimize the Polsby-Popper compactness score with application to voting rights

In the academic literature and in expert testimony, the Polsby-Popper score is the most popular way to measure the compactness of a political district. Given a district with area \(A\) and perimeter \(P\), its Polsby-Popper score is given by \( (4 \pi A)/P^2\). This score takes values between zero and one, with circular districts achieving … Read more

On the equilibrium prices of a regular locally Lipschitz exchange economy

We extend classical results by Debreu and Dierker about equilibrium prices of a regular economy with continuously differentiable demand functions/excess demand function to a regular exchange economy with these functions being locally Lipschitz. Our concept of a regular economy is based on Clarke’s concept of regular value and we show that such a regular economy … Read more

Asynchronous Iterations in Optimization: New Sequence Results and Sharper Algorithmic Guarantees

We introduce novel convergence results for asynchronous iterations that appear in the analysis of parallel and distributed optimization algorithms. The results are simple to apply and give explicit estimates for how the degree of asynchrony impacts the convergence rates of the iterates. Our results shorten, streamline and strengthen existing convergence proofs for several asynchronous optimization … Read more

A Moment-SOS Hierarchy for Robust Polynomial Matrix Inequality Optimization with SOS-Convexity

We study a class of polynomial optimization problems with a robust polynomial matrix inequality constraint for which the uncertainty set is defined also by a polynomial matrix inequality (including robust polynomial semidefinite programs as a special case). Under certain SOS-convexity assumptions, we construct a hierarchy of moment-SOS relaxations for this problem to obtain convergent upper … Read more