On global minimizers of quadratic functions with cubic regularization

In this paper, we analyze some theoretical properties of the problem of minimizing a quadratic function with a cubic regularization term, arising in many methods for unconstrained and constrained optimization that have been proposed in the last years. First we show that, given any stationary point that is not a global solution, it is possible … Read more

An Active-Set Algorithmic Framework for Non-Convex Optimization Problems over the Simplex

In this paper, we describe a new active-set algorithmic framework for minimizing a non-convex function over the unit simplex. At each iteration, the method makes use of a rule for identifying active variables (i.e., variables that are zero at a stationary point) and specific directions (that we name active-set gradient related directions) satisfying a new … Read more

A Two-Stage Active-Set Algorithm for Bound-Constrained Optimization

In this paper, we describe a two-stage method for solving optimization problems with bound constraints. It combines the active-set estimate described in [Facchinei and Lucidi, 1995] with a modification of the non-monotone line search framework recently proposed in [De Santis et al., 2012]. In the first stage, the algorithm exploits a property of the active-set … Read more


In this work, we consider multiobjective optimization problems with both bound constraints on the variables and general nonlinear constraints, where objective and constraint function values can only be obtained by querying a black box. We define a linesearch-based solution method, and we show that it converges to a set of Pareto stationary points. To this … Read more

A Feasible Active Set Method with Reoptimization for Convex Quadratic Mixed-Integer Programming

We propose a feasible active set method for convex quadratic programming problems with non-negativity constraints. This method is specifically designed to be embedded into a branch-and-bound algorithm for convex quadratic mixed integer programming problems. The branch-and-bound algorithm generalizes the approach for unconstrained convex quadratic integer programming proposed by Buchheim, Caprara and Lodi to the presence … Read more

A Fast Active Set Block Coordinate Descent Algorithm for l1-regularized least squares

The problem of finding sparse solutions to underdetermined systems of linear equations arises in several real-world problems (e.g. signal and image processing, compressive sensing, statistical inference). A standard tool for dealing with sparse recovery is the l1-regularized least-squares approach that has been recently attracting the attention of many researchers. In this paper, we describe an … Read more

Derivative-free Methods for Mixed-Integer Constrained Optimization Problems

Methods which do not use any derivative information are becoming popular among researchers, since they allow to solve many real-world engineering problems. Such problems are frequently characterized by the presence of discrete variables which can further complicate the optimization process. In this paper, we propose derivative-free algorithms for solving continuously differentiable Mixed Integer NonLinear Programming … Read more

Exploiting derivative-free local searches in DIRECT-type algorithms for global optimization

In this paper we consider bound constrained global optimization problems where first-order derivatives of the objective function can be neither computed nor approximated explicitly. For the solution of such problems the DIRECT Algorithm has been proposed which has strong convergence properties and a good ability to locate promising regions of the feasible domain. However, the … Read more

Nonmonotone GRASP

A Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) is an iterative multistart metaheuristic for difficult combinatorial optimization problems. Each GRASP iteration consists of two phases: a construction phase, in which a feasible solution is produced, and a local search phase, in which a local optimum in the neighborhood of the constructed solution is sought. Repeated applications … Read more

A Derivative-Free Algorithm for Constrained Global Optimization based on Exact Penalty Functions

Constrained global optimization problems can be tackled by using exact penalty approaches. In a preceding paper, we proposed an exact penalty algorithm for constrained problems which combines an unconstrained global minimization technique for minimizing a non-differentiable exact penalty func- tion for given values of the penalty parameter, and an automatic updating of the penalty parameter … Read more