Strong valid inequalities for a class of concave submodular minimization problems under cardinality constraints

We study the polyhedral convex hull structure of a mixed-integer set which arises in a class of cardinality-constrained concave submodular minimization problems. This class of problems has an objective function in the form of $f(a^\top x)$, where $f$ is a univariate concave function, $a$ is a non-negative vector, and $x$ is a binary vector of … Read more

Chance-Constrained Optimization under Limited Distributional Information: A Review of Reformulations Based on Sampling and Distributional Robustness

Chance-constrained programming (CCP) is one of the most difficult classes of optimization problems that has attracted the attention of researchers since the 1950s. In this survey, we focus on cases when only a limited information on the distribution is available, such as a sample from the distribution, or the moments of the distribution. We first … Read more

Conic Mixed-Binary Sets: Convex Hull Characterizations and Applications

We consider a general conic mixed-binary set where each homogeneous conic constraint involves an affine function of independent continuous variables and an epigraph variable associated with a nonnegative function, $f_j$, of common binary variables. Sets of this form naturally arise as substructures in a number of applications including mean-risk optimization, chance-constrained problems, portfolio optimization, lot-sizing … Read more

An Exact Cutting Plane Method for hBcsubmodular Function Maximization

A natural and important generalization of submodularity—$k$-submodularity—applies to set functions with $k$ arguments and appears in a broad range of applications, such as infrastructure design, machine learning, and healthcare. In this paper, we study maximization problems with $k$-submodular objective functions. We propose valid linear inequalities, namely the $k$-submodular inequalities, for the hypograph of any $k$-submodular … Read more

Strong Formulations for Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Programs with Left-Hand Side Uncertainty under Wasserstein Ambiguity

Distributionally robust chance-constrained programs (DR-CCP) over Wasserstein ambiguity sets exhibit attractive out-of-sample performance and admit big-$M$-based mixed-integer programming (MIP) reformulations with conic constraints. However, the resulting formulations often suffer from scalability issues as sample size increases. To address this shortcoming, we derive stronger formulations that scale well with respect to the sample size. Our focus … Read more

Ideal formulations for constrained convex optimization problems with indicator variables.

Motivated by modern regression applications, in this paper, we study the convexification of a class of convex optimization problems with indicator variables and combinatorial constraints on the indicators. Unlike most of the previous work on convexification of sparse regression problems, we simultaneously consider the nonlinear non-separable objective, indicator variables, and combinatorial constraints. Specifically, we give … Read more

Consistent Second-Order Conic Integer Programming for Learning Bayesian Networks

Bayesian Networks (BNs) represent conditional probability relations among a set of random variables (nodes) in the form of a directed acyclic graph (DAG), and have found diverse applications in knowledge discovery. We study the problem of learning the sparse DAG structure of a BN from continuous observational data. The central problem can be modeled as … Read more

Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Programs with Right-Hand Side Uncertainty under Wasserstein Ambiguity

We consider exact deterministic mixed-integer programming (MIP) reformulations of distributionally robust chance-constrained programs (DR-CCP) with random right-hand sides over Wasserstein ambiguity sets. The existing MIP formulations are known to have weak continuous relaxation bounds, and, consequently, for hard instances with small radius, or with a large number of scenarios, the branch-and-bound based solution processes suffer … Read more

A Polyhedral Approach to Bisubmodular Function Minimization

We consider minimization problems with bisubmodular objective functions. We propose a class of valid inequalities, which we call the poly-bimatroid inequalities and prove that these inequalities, along with trivial bound constraints, fully describe the convex hull of the epigraph of a bisubmodular function. We develop a cutting plane algorithm for general bisubmodular minimization problems using … Read more

On the convexification of constrained quadratic optimization problems with indicator variables

Motivated by modern regression applications, in this paper, we study the convexification of quadratic optimization problems with indicator variables and combinatorial constraints on the indicators. Unlike most of the previous work on convexification of sparse regression problems, we simultaneously consider the nonlinear objective, indicator variables, and combinatorial constraints. We prove that for a separable quadratic … Read more