An Approximation Algorithm for Constructing Error Detecting Prefix Codes

A $k$-bit Hamming prefix code is a binary code with the following property: for any codeword $x$ and any prefix $y$ of another codeword, both $x$ and $y$ having the same length, the Hamming distance between $x$ and $y$ is at least $k$. Given an alphabet $A = [a_1,\ldots,a_n]$ with corresponding probabilities $[p_1,\ldots,p_n]$, the $k$-bit … Read more

A polyhedral approach to reroute sequence planning in MPLS networks

This paper is devoted to the study of the reroute sequence planning problem in multi-protocol label switching networks from the polyhedral viewpoint. The reroute sequence plan polytope, defined as the convex hull of the incidence vectors of the reroute sequences which do not violate the network link capacities, is introduced and some of its properties … Read more

Local versus Global Profit Maximization: The Case of Discrete Concave Production Functions

In this paper we show that for discrete concave functions, a local maximum need not be a global maximum. We also provide examples of discrete concave functions where this coincidence holds. As a direct consequence of this, we can establish the equivalence of local and global profit maximizers for an equivalent well-behaved production function that … Read more

New upper bounds for kissing numbers from semidefinite programming

Recently A. Schrijver derived new upper bounds for binary codes using semidefinite programming. In this paper we adapt this approach to codes on the unit sphere and we compute new upper bounds for the kissing number in several dimensions. In particular our computations give the (known) values for the cases n = 3, 4, 8, … Read more

Copositivity cuts for improving SDP bounds on the clique number

Adding cuts based on copositive matrices, we propose to improve Lovász’ bound on the clique number and its tightening introduced by McEliece, Rodemich, Rumsey, and Schrijver. Candidates for cheap and efficient copositivity cuts of this type are obtained from graphs with known clique number. The cost of previously established semidefinite programming bound hierarchies rapidly increases … Read more

Polytopes and Arrangements : Diameter and Curvature

We introduce a continuous analogue of the Hirsch conjecture and a discrete analogue of the result of Dedieu, Malajovich and Shub. We prove a continuous analogue of the result of Holt and Klee, namely, we construct a family of polytopes which attain the conjectured order of the largest total curvature. Citation AdvOL-Report #2006/09 Advanced Optimization … Read more

On complexity of Shmoys – Swamy class of two-stage linear stochastic programming problems

We consider a class of two-stage linear stochastic programming problems, introduced by Shmoys and Swamy (2004), motivated by a relaxation of a stochastic set cover problem. We show that the sample size required to solve this problem by the sample average approximation (SAA) method with a relative accuracy $\kappa>0$ and confidence $1-\alpha$ is polynomial in … Read more

Approximating the Radii of Point Sets

We consider the problem of computing the outer-radii of point sets. In this problem, we are given integers $n, d, k$ where $k \le d$, and a set $P$ of $n$ points in $R^d$. The goal is to compute the {\em outer $k$-radius} of $P$, denoted by $\kflatr(P)$, which is the minimum, over all $(d-k)$-dimensional … Read more

Sum of Squares Method for Sensor Network Localization

We formulate the sensor network localization problem as finding the global minimizer of a quartic polynomial. Then sum of squares (SOS) relaxations can be applied to solve it. However, the general SOS relaxations are too expensive to implement for large problems. Exploiting the special features of this polynomial, we propose a new structured SOS relaxation, … Read more

Uncapacitated Lot Sizing with Backlogging: The Convex Hull

An explicit description of the convex hull of solutions to the uncapacitated lot-sizing problem with backlogging, in its natural space of production, setup, inventory and backlogging variables, has been an open question for many years. In this paper, we identify facet-defining inequalities that subsume all previously known valid inequalities for this problem. We show that … Read more