Weighted Geometric Mean, Minimum Mediated Set, and Optimal Second-Order Cone Representation

We study optimal second-order cone representations for weighted geometric means, which turns out to be closely related to minimum mediated sets. Several lower bounds and upper bounds on the size of optimal second-order cone representations are proved. In the case of bivariate weighted geometric means (equivalently, one dimensional mediated sets), we are able to prove … Read more

The Hyperbolic Augmented Lagrangian Algorithm

The hyperbolic augmented Lagrangian algorithm (HALA) is introduced in the area of continuous optimization for solving nonlinear programming problems. Under mild assumptions, such as: convexity, Slater’s qualification and differentiability, the convergence of the proposed algorithm is proved. We also study the duality theory for the case of the hyperbolic augmented Lagrangian function. Finally, in order … Read more

Superiorization as a novel strategy for linearly constrained inverse radiotherapy treatment planning

Objective: We apply the superiorization methodology to the intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment planning problem. In superiorization, linear voxel dose inequality constraints are the fundamental modeling tool within which a feasibility-seeking projection algorithm will seek a feasible point. This algorithm is then perturbed with gradient descent steps to reduce a nonlinear objective function. Approach: Within … Read more

The superiorization method with restarted perturbations for split minimization problems with an application to radiotherapy treatment planning

In this paper we study the split minimization problem that consists of two constrained minimization problems in two separate spaces that are connected via a linear operator that maps one space into the other. To handle the data of such a problem we develop a superiorization approach that can reach a feasible point with reduced … Read more

The exact worst-case convergence rate of the alternating direction method of multipliers

Recently, semidefinite programming performance estimation has been employed as a strong tool for the worst-case performance analysis of first order methods. In this paper, we derive new non-ergodic convergence rates for the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) by using performance estimation. We give some examples which show the exactness of the given bounds. We … Read more

A Sparse Interior Point Method for Linear Programs arising in Discrete Optimal Transport

Discrete Optimal Transport problems give rise to very large linear programs (LP) with a particular structure of the constraint matrix. In this paper we present an interior point method (IPM) specialized for the LP originating from the Kantorovich Optimal Transport problem. Knowing that optimal solutions of such problems display a high degree of sparsity, we … Read more

Faster Lagrangian-based methods: a unified prediction-correction framework

Motivated by the prediction-correction framework constructed by He and Yuan [SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 50: 700-709, 2012], we propose a unified prediction-correction framework to accelerate Lagrangian-based methods. More precisely, for strongly convex optimization, general linearized Lagrangian method with indefinite proximal term, alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) with the step size of Lagrangian multiplier not … Read more

Wasserstein Logistic Regression with Mixed Features

Recent work has leveraged the popular distributionally robust optimization paradigm to combat overfitting in classical logistic regression. While the resulting classification scheme displays a promising performance in numerical experiments, it is inherently limited to numerical features. In this paper, we show that distributionally robust logistic regression with mixed (i.e., numerical and categorical) features, despite amounting … Read more

Accelerating Frank-Wolfe via Averaging Step Directions

The Frank-Wolfe method is a popular method in sparse constrained optimization, due to its fast per-iteration complexity. However, the tradeoff is that its worst case global convergence is comparatively slow, and importantly, is fundamentally slower than its flow rate–that is to say, the convergence rate is throttled by discretization error. In this work, we consider … Read more

A Proximal Gradient Method for Multi-objective Optimization Problems Using Bregman Functions

In this paper, a globally convergent proximal gradient method is developed for convex multi-objective optimization problems using Bregman distance. The proposed method is free from any kind of a priori chosen parameters or ordering information of objective functions. At every iteration of the proposed method, a subproblem is solved to find a descent direction. This … Read more