A Stochastic Gradient Method with an Exponential Convergence Rate for Strongly-Convex Optimization with Finite Training Sets

We propose a new stochastic gradient method for optimizing the sum of a finite set of smooth functions, where the sum is strongly convex. While standard stochastic gradient methods converge at sublinear rates for this problem, the proposed method incorporates a memory of previous gradient values in order to achieve a linear convergence rate. Numerical … Read more

A regularized simplex method

In case of a special problem class, the simplex method can be implemented as a cutting-plane method that approximates a certain convex polyhedral objective function. In this paper we consider a regularized version of this cutting-plane method, and interpret the resulting procedure as a regularized simplex method. (Regularization is performed in the dual space and … Read more

A Parallel Bundle Method for Asynchronous Subspace Optimization in Lagrangian Relaxation

An algorithmic approach is proposed for exploiting parallelization possibilities in large scale optimization models of the following generic type. Objects change their state over time subject to a limited availability of common resources. These are modeled by linear coupling constraints and result in few objects competing for the same resource at each point in time. … Read more

D-ADMM: A Communication-Efficient Distributed Algorithm For Separable Optimization

We propose a distributed algorithm, named D-ADMM, for solving separable optimization problems in networks of interconnected nodes or agents. In a separable optimization problem, the cost function is the sum of all the agents’ private cost functions, and the constraint set is the intersection of all the agents’ private constraint sets. We require the private … Read more

A Constructive Proof of the Existence of a Utility in Revealed Preference Theory

Within the context of the standard model of rationality within economic modelling we show the existence of a utility function that rationalises a demand correspondence, hence completely characterizes the associated preference structure, by taking a dense demand sample. This resolves the problem of revealed preferences under some very mild assumptions on the demand correspondence which … Read more

Warmstarting the Homogeneous and Self-Dual Interior Point Method for Linear and Conic Quadratic Problems

We present two strategies for warmstarting primal-dual interior point methods for the homogeneous self-dual model when applied to mixed linear and quadratic conic optimization problems. Common to both strategies is their use of only the final (optimal) iterate of the initial problem and their negligible computational cost. This is a major advantage when comparing to … Read more


In this paper we present a variant of the conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm in which we invoke a subspace minimization subproblem on each iteration. We call this algorithm CGSO for “conjugate gradient with subspace optimization”. It is related to earlier work by Nemirovsky and Yudin. We apply the algorithm to solve unconstrained strictly convex problems. … Read more

Smoothing SQP Algorithm for Non-Lipschitz Optimization with Complexity Analysis

In this paper, we propose a smoothing sequential quadratic programming (SSQP) algorithm for solving a class of nonsmooth nonconvex, perhaps even non-Lipschitz minimization problems, which has wide applications in statistics and sparse reconstruction. At each step, the SSQP algorithm solves a strongly convex quadratic minimization problem with a diagonal Hessian matrix, which has a simple … Read more

Holder Metric Subregularity with Applications to Proximal Point Method

This paper is mainly devoted to the study and applications of H\”older metric subregularity (or metric $q$-subregularity of order $q\in(0,1]$) for general set-valued mappings between infinite-dimensional spaces. Employing advanced techniques of variational analysis and generalized differentiation, we derive neighborhood and pointbased sufficient conditions as well as necessary conditions for $q$-metric subregularity with evaluating the exact … Read more

Bundle method for non-convex minimization with inexact subgradients and function values

We discuss a bundle method to minimize non-smooth and non-convex locally Lipschitz functions. We analyze situations where only inexact subgradients or function values are available. For suitable classes of non-smooth functions we prove convergence of our algorithm to approximate critical points. Citation To appear in: Computational and Analytical Mathematics. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics Article Download … Read more