On the complexity of the hybrid proximal extragradient method for the iterates and the ergodic mean

In this paper we analyze the iteration-complexity of the hybrid proximal extragradient (HPE) method for finding a zero of a maximal monotone operator recently proposed by Solodov and Svaiter. One of the key points of our analysis is the use of new termination criteria based on the $\varepsilon$-enlargement of a maximal monotone operator. The advantage … Read more

A fast TVL1-L2 minimization algorithm for signal reconstruction from partial Fourier data

Recent compressive sensing results show that it is possible to accurately reconstruct certain compressible signals from relatively few linear measurements via solving nonsmooth convex ptimization problems. In this paper, we propose a simple and fast algorithm for signal reconstruction from partial Fourier data. The algorithm minimizes the sum of three terms corresponding to total variation, … Read more

A Fast Algorithm for Sparse Reconstruction based on Shrinkage, Subspace Optimization and Continuation

We propose a fast algorithm for solving the l1-regularized least squares problem for recovering sparse solutions to an undetermined system of linear equations Ax = b. The algorithm is divided into two stages that are performed repeatedly. In the first stage a first-order iterative method called “shrinkage” yields an estimate of the subset of components … Read more

A quasisecant method for minimizing nonsmooth functions

In this paper a new algorithm to locally minimize nonsmooth, nonconvex functions is developed. We introduce the notion of secants and quasisecants for nonsmooth functions. The quasisecants are applied to find descent directions of locally Lipschitz functions. We design a minimization algorithm which uses quasisecants to find descent directions. We prove that this algorithm converges … Read more

A convex polynomial that is not sos-convex

A multivariate polynomial $p(x)=p(x_1,…,x_n)$ is sos-convex if its Hessian $H(x)$ can be factored as $H(x)= M^T(x) M(x)$ with a possibly nonsquare polynomial matrix $M(x)$. It is easy to see that sos-convexity is a sufficient condition for convexity of $p(x)$. Moreover, the problem of deciding sos-convexity of a polynomial can be cast as the feasibility of … Read more

Dido’s Problem and Pareto Optimality

Under study is the new class of geometrical extremal problems in which it is required to achieve the best result in the presence of conflicting goals; e.g., given the surface area of a convex body~$\mathfrak x$, we try to maximize the volume of~$\mathfrak x$ and minimize the width of~$\mathfrak x$ simultaneously. These problems are addressed … Read more

Error bounds: necessary and sufficient conditions

The paper presents a general classiffication scheme of necessary and sufficient criteria for the error bound property incorporating the existing conditions. Several derivative-like objects both from the primal as well as from the dual space are used to characterize the error bound property of extended-real-valued functions on a Banach space. Citation Published in Set-Valued and … Read more

A GSS method for oblique l_1 Procrustes problems

We propose a Generating Search Set method for solving the oblique l_1 Procrustes problem. Implementative details, algorithmic choices and theoretical properties of the method are discussed. The results of some numerical experiments are reported. Citation in Applied and Industrial Mathematics in Italy III – Proceedings of the 9th Conference SIMAI, De Bernardis et. Al. (eds), … Read more

Improved algorithms for convex minimization in relative scale

In this paper we propose two modifications to Nesterov’s algorithms for minimizing convex functions in relative scale. The first is based on a bisection technique and leads to improved theoretical iteration complexity, and the second is a heuristic for avoiding restarting behavior. The fastest of our algorithms produces a solution within relative error O(1/k) of … Read more

Equivalence of Convex Problem Geometry and Computational Complexity in the Separation Oracle Model

Consider the following supposedly-simple problem: “compute x \in S” where S is a convex set conveyed by a separation oracle, with no further information (e.g., no bounding ball containing or intersecting S, etc.). Our interest in this problem stems from fundamental issues involving the interplay of computational complexity, the geometry of S, and the stability … Read more